final status = await Permission.manageExternalStorage.request();if (status.isDenied ||status.isPermanentlyDenied ||status.isRestricted) {throw "Please allow storage permission to upload files";} Good luck with the release on Google Play :))) Sign...
1、在 AndroidManifest.xml 文件中添加存储权限声明: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> 1. 2、在Activity中检查是否已获得存储权限,若未获得则进行申请。注意下方的MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_STORAGE请替换为自己的request code,以方便在回调函数中进行区分处理。
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="28" /> 1. 2. 如果应用使用了存储兼容功能,那么仍然需要访问存储权限 存储兼容指的就是我们准备升级android10但是暂时不想使用分区存储 开启使用存储兼容只需要在 manifest 中 application 标签声明如下配置即可: andro...
🐛 Bug Report This used to work until recently but I think it stopped exactly as I upgraded to android 13. Expected behavior return allowed Reproduction steps run; Configuration I have the below 2 lines in And...
在类com.demo.permission.MainAbility的onActive()方法里面。 if (verifySelfPermission(SystemPermission.READ_USER_STORAGE) != IBundleManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { if (canRequestPermission(SystemPermission.READ_USER_STORAGE) { requestPermissionFromUser(new String[] { SystemPermission.READ_USER_STORAGE }, ...
DefaultSharePermission Default share permission for users using Kerberos authentication if RBAC role is not assigned. directoryServiceOptions DirectoryServiceOptions Indicates the directory service used. Note that this enum may be extended in the future. BlobRestoreParameters Blob restore parameters 展开...
KeyPermission KeySource KeyType KeyVaultProperties Kind LargeFileSharesState LeaseContainerRequest LeaseDuration LeaseState LeaseStatus LegalHold LegalHoldProperties ListContainerItem ListContainersInclude ListKeyExpand ListSharesExpand ManagementPolicies ManagementPolicy Mana...
PermissionRequestResult 数据管理 (DataAbility谓词) (分布式数据对象) (分布式键值数据库) (用户首选项) (关系型数据库) 文件管理 @ohos...
To configure a lifecycle rule for a bucket, you must be the bucket owner or have the required permission (obs:bucket:PutLifecycleConfigurationin IAM orPutLifecycleConfigurationin a bucket policy). For details, seeIntroduction to OBS Access Control,IAM Custom Policies, andCreating a Custom Bucket ...
To configure a lifecycle rule for a bucket, you must be the bucket owner or have the required permission (obs:bucket:PutLifecycleConfigurationin IAM orPutLifecycleConfigurationin a bucket policy). For details, seeIntroduction to OBS Access Control,IAM Custom Policies, andCreating a Custom Bucket ...