Nevertheless, most of the potential Energies 2017, 10, 219; doi:10.3390/en10020219 Energies 2017, 10, 219 2 of 19 heat is still emitted to the surroundings because industrial facilities are usually not optimally organized for IRW utilization. Most utilizations of ...
and Z.C. Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the use of facilities within the UOW Electron Microscopy Centre. TheFauunthdoinrsga: lTshoiswroeuseldarlcikhewtoasthfuankdeDdr.bAy nthdereAwusNtraatltieasntaRdefsoeraprcrhepCaoriunngcitlh, FT140100698. ConAflcicktnsoowf...
Along these lines, a real-world implementation is the 30 MW plant in Okinawa, Japan [15], while there are plans for larger facilities in Ireland [2,9,16] and Hawaii [16,17]. A review of the relevant literature reveals that rather limited research efforts have focused on systems of this...