Remote Server returned '550 5.6.0 M2MCVT.StorageError.Exception: ConversionFailedException - <unknown>, Content conversion internal failure.; storage error in content conversion.' Original message headers: Authentication-Results: spf=none (sender IP is ) smtp.mailfrom=removed for security purposes; R...
RtmMessageContent RtmChannelMemberInfo ErrorResult Exception Overview GMMEError Server REST API 语音审核结果回调 获取Token(团队级) 获取文件上传地址 上传单个文件 开始文件识别 获取识别结果下载地址 下载识别结果文件 发送点对点消息 发送频道消息 设置频道属性 ...
Support for conversion between Standard and Premium storage tiers Ability to create an Azure VM from a custom image stored in any storage account in the same region and the same subscription Important Ensure that you select the appropriate disk type when you deploy your VMs. Although yo...
RtmMessageContent RtmChannelMemberInfo ErrorResult Exception Overview GMMEError Server REST API 语音审核结果回调 获取Token(团队级) 获取文件上传地址 上传单个文件 开始文件识别 获取识别结果下载地址 下载识别结果文件 发送点对点消息 发送频道消息 设置频道属性 ...
OBS function overview. Object Storage Service (OBS) is a scalable service that provides secure, reliable, and cost-effective cloud storage for massive amounts of data.
STORAGE_OFFLOAD_TOKEN结构包含一个标记值,用作卷上文件中数据集范围的表示形式。 此结构用于执行卸载读取和写入。
Using the TRAP command to obtain information about conditions in the system when an error occurs Using DEBUG to determine the results of DFSMShsm processing without moving data sets DFSMShsm tape libraries Automated tape library Manual tape library Using DFSMShsm with DFSMSrmm Retaining ...
Error: 9098 (A tombstoned content set deletion has been scheduled) Error: Invalid Parameter when trying to extend volume in Windows Server 2012 Errors with DFSR ESENT Event 508,510,533 Even though the file is closed by the client in the shared folder I still can see it open when I query...
在下文中一共展示了myContentStorage::fileExtNeedConversion方法的1个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的PHP代码示例。 示例1: uploadFileByToken ▲点赞 9▼ publicstaticfunctionuploadFileByToken($file_data, $token, $filename, $...
RtmMessageContent RtmChannelMemberInfo ErrorResult Exception Overview GMMEError Server REST API 语音审核结果回调 获取Token(团队级) 获取文件上传地址 上传单个文件 开始文件识别 获取识别结果下载地址 下载识别结果文件 发送点对点消息 发送频道消息 设置频道属性 删除频道属性 游戏内嵌社区...