当前 Storage Drawers Current developersjaquadro VersionMC 1.12: 5.3.6 MC 1.11: 4.2.10 MC 1.10/1.9: 3.7.10 MC 1.8: 2.7.0 MC 1.7: 1.10.9 Supported Minecraft versions1.15.2 Depends onChameleon(1.8+) URLLink Modpacks FTB Builders Paradise ...
Minecraft Forums CurseForge Github Releases There's also a discord community for Texel's mods:https://discord.gg/8WtpQfy For Developers Building StorageDrawers is built usinggradle. These commands should be enough to get you started: git clone https://github.com/jaquadro/StorageDrawers cd Storage...
Storage Delight is a mod for Farmer's Delight that adds more storage options to the game, letting the player craft multiple options with drawers or glass cabinets. Contributing Your contributions to this project allows Storage Delight to be improved to deliver a better gameplay experience for all...