TheBUFFER_POOLclause lets you specify a default buffer pool or cache for a schema object. All blocks for the object are stored in the specified cache. If you define a buffer pool for a partitioned table or index, then the partitions inherit the buffer pool from the table or index definiti...
https://${ip}:${port}/deviceManager/rest/${deviceId}/storagepool/count 访问方法 GET 用户权限 Super administrator,Administrator,Read-only user 参数说明 返回结果 使用实例 查询存储池的个数。 Request: GET /deviceManager/rest/210235843910E6000009/storagepool/count Response: { "data": { "COUNT": ...
By default, the ZIL is allocated from blocks within the main pool. However, better performance might be possible by using separate intent log devices, such as NVRAM or a dedicated disk. For more information about ZFS log devices, see Setting Up Separate ZFS Log Devices. You can set up a ...
@ohos.buffer (Buffer) @ohos.convertxml (xml转换JavaScript) @ohos.process (获取进程相关的信息) @ohos.taskpool(使用任务池) @ohos.uri (URI字符串解析) @ohos.url (URL字符串解析) @ohos.util (util工具函数) @ohos.util.ArrayList (线性容器ArrayList) @ohos.util.Dequ...
storage.get('startup', 'default', function(err, value) { if (err) {"Failed to get the value of startup with err: " + err); return; }"The value of startup is " + value); }) get get(key: string, defValue: ValueType): Promise<Val...
default_storage_engine 更新时间:2024-04-24 14:53:02 default_storage_engine用于查看 OBServer 节点的默认存储引擎。 说明 该变量仅 MySQL 模式下支持。 属性描述 参数类型varchar 默认值OceanBase 取值范围OceanBase 生效范围 Global Session 联系我们 AI助手...
How to change default SAN disk status from offline to online. how to change UNC path of sharefolder in DFS How to check DFS replication status in windows 2008 r2 file server How to check disk WWN ID for all drives in server HOW TO CLEAN System Volume Information\Dedup SERVER 2012 r2 How...
PS C:\> $PhysicalDisks = (Get-PhysicalDisk -CanPool $True) PS C:\> New-StoragePool -FriendlyName CompanyData -StorageSubsystemFriendlyName "Storage Spaces*" -PhysicalDisks $PhysicalDisks -ResiliencySettingNameDefault Mirror -ProvisioningTypeDefault Thin –Verbose Example...
Notes: Windows can use physical disks to form a storage pool. From the storage pool, Windows can define virtual disks called storage spaces. Failover Cluster can make the pool of physical disks, the storage spaces they define, and the data they contain highly available. In addition to the ...
STORAGE_RESERVE_ID为文件、目录或存储保留区域的存储保留 ID 定义值。 值由FILE_STORAGE_RESERVE_ID_INFORMATION结构使用。 语法 C++ typedefenum_STORAGE_RESERVE_ID { StorageReserveIdNone, StorageReserveIdHard, StorageReserveIdSoft, StorageReserveIdUpdateScratch, StorageReserveIdMax } STORAGE_RESERVE_ID, *PSTO...