This mod adds a container that holds a large amount of one type of item. 1種類のアイテムが大量に入るアイテムが追加されます。 StorageBox はチェストを作ろのと同じ形で、チェスト8個を並べると作れます。 Put in Storage Box : Colon KeyRemove from StorageBox : Shift + Colon Key If ...
When we lifted the bottom bunk to access the under-bed storage, we noticed a large space above the drawer that was empty yet could be useable. So, we added a shelf, and it has effectively doubled Dom’s clothing storage from just one drawer to two! Think outside of the box to find...
go.mod fix(deps): update module to v1… Mar 6, 2025 go.sum fix(deps): update module to v1… Mar 6, 2025 idset.go Use the new built-in min() and max() functions ...
Open Keychain by selectingCommand+Space, type "keychain" in the search box, and selectEnter. Select theloginkeychain. Select thepadlockto lock the keychain. After the process is finished, thepadlockappears locked. It might take a few seconds, depending on what apps you have open. ...
"rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files Topics go golang sync encryption dropbox ftp s3 google-cloud-storage onedrive google-drive sftp webdav cloud-stora...
Crafting Box:这将在存储核心的GUI中添加一个手工网格(与JEI兼容)+ 点击方便从内部库存手工制作)。 搜索框:可以在存储核心的GUI中添加一个搜索栏。除了搜索项目名称或者工具提示外, 现在和JEI一样,搜索前的“$”将搜索ore字典名称,“@”将搜索mod id和名称,“%”将搜索创造性选项卡名称。 EZ存储工作界面 模组...
This would limit you to only being able to upgrade the box with that one stack upgrade but it’s a significant improvement on standard storage by far. This mod does require an additional API, Sophisticated Core, installed foundhere.
TiKV 把底层 KV 存储引擎抽象成一个 Engine trait(trait 类似其他语言的 interface),定义见storage/kv/。Engint trait 主要提供了读和写两个接口,分别为async_snapshot和async_write。调用者把要写的内容交给async_write,async_write通过回调的方式告诉调用者写操作成功完成了或者遇到错误了。同样的,async_sna...
Box Float3 Float4 FluidShakeContext Result ResultType Particle AI捏脸插件 Overview Interface Summary CharacterAdapter GenerateFaceParas ModifyFaceParas Struct Summary AIFaceModParas CharacterData GeneratedParas Java Package Summary com.huawei.hisi.cgkit Overview Interface Summary...
ZFS requires a lot of tuning to recover similar performance to non-COW systems in pathological use cases, particularly as backing storage for VMs and databases. ZFS uses a lot of RAM for read-caching, and can be configured to use dedicated, high-performance disks for that purpose. Instead...