DEVICE TYPE DISK GROUP STATUS aluadisk0_0 auto:none - - online invalid aluadisk0_1 auto - - error bash-3.2# 新映射给主机系统的LUN,VxVM上显示其状态为error或者是nolabel。 如果主机系统对该LUN打上标签,则其状态将变成online invalid。
bash-3.2#vxdisk listDEVICE TYPE DISK GROUP STATUS aix_disk_0 auto:LVM - - LVM huawei-xsg11_8 auto:none - - online invalid thinrclm bash-3.2#vxdisk list huawei-xsg11_8Device: huawei-xsg11_8 devicetag: huawei-xsg11_8 type: auto hostid: disk: name= id=1293226805.9.aix group: name...
Solaris release (requires ) Instant Image volumes, that are not in a device group which has been registered with SunCluster, require usage of "-C" Invalid flag %s Join failed 来源 PITC RM 含义 无法从内核获取属于某个组的卷集列表.可能发生的 错误: EFAULT:内核模块试图越界读取.记录 iiadm 的...
Check the sync status of your sync group and server endpoint. The interesting direction is download. If the server endpoint is newly provisioned, it will show Initial sync, which indicates the namespace is still coming down. After that state changes to anything but Initial sync, your name...
. When issuing the show shutdown-status command from the cli (1.6.2c), after successfully executing the shutdown controller command, the controller incorrectly reports a status of "not shutdown". A subsequent show ID command shows all logical drives on the unit to be in a shutdown state....
Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-Storage-ClassPnP/Operational Source: Microsoft-Windows-StorDiag Date: 6/12/2019 00:53:30 Event ID: 504 Task Category: Class Level: Error Keywords: Device I/O control request User: computer\Administrator Computer: Description: Completing a failed IOCTL ...
否则, StorPortGetRequestInfo 将返回 状态为STOR_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER。 要求 展开表 要求值 最低受支持的客户端 在Windows 8 及更高版本的 Windows 中可用。 标头 storport.h (包括 Storport.h) 另请参阅 StorPortGetRequestInfo反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是 否 提供产品反馈 | 在Microsoft Q&A 获取...
Check the sync status of your sync group and server endpoint. The interesting direction is download. If the server endpoint is newly provisioned, it will show Initial sync, which indicates the namespace is still coming down. After that state changes to anything but Initial sync, your name...
StorPortGetRequestInfo的呼叫端會配置STOR_REQUEST_INFO結構。 在呼叫StorPortGetRequestInfo之前,版本必須設定為STOR_REQUEST_INFO_VER_1,且 Size必須設定為sizeof(STOR_REQUEST_INFO) 。 否則,StorPortGetRequestInfo會傳回狀態為STOR_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER。
The HyperMetro pair is in the Normal state. LUNs in both DCs A and B continue providing services. One storage system malfunctions. (The storage system in DC A is used as an example.) The HyperMetro pair is in the To be synchronized state. LUNs in DC A are invalid, while LUNs in DC...