机器启动过程卡在 stopping system V runlevel compatibility 不动,上面看到有这个报错信息: 解决1: 启动界面通过virtbox或者vnc发送 Crtl+Alt+F1登入 解决2: vi /etc/defautl/saned的内容:修改 RUN=no 为RUN=yes. 关机重启。
机器启动过程卡在 stopping system V runlevel compatibility 不动,上面看到有这个报错信息: 解决1: 启动界面通过virtbox或者vnc发送 Crtl+Alt+F1登入 解决2: vi /etc/defautl/saned的内容:修改 RUN=no 为RUN=yes. 关机重启。 我们曾如此渴望命运的波澜,到最后才发现:人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定与从容…...
机器启动过程卡在 stopping system V runlevel compatibility 不动,上面看到有这个报错信息: 解决1: 启动界面通过virtbox或者vnc发送 Crtl+Alt+F1登入 解决2: vi /etc/defautl/saned的内容:修改 RUN=no 为RUN=yes. 关机重启。 我们曾如此渴望命运的波澜,到最后才发现:人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定与从容…...
Not able to boot IMX6-Q as it get stucked at "stopping system v runlevel compatibility" . Please provide me a solution Here is the link
Runlevel 5 35.6. Additional Resources Additional Resources 35.6.1. Installed Documentation 35.6.2. Useful Websites 36. X Window System Configuration X Window System Configuration 36.1. Display Settings 36.2. Display Hardware Settings 36.3. Dual Head Display Settings 37. Users and Groups Users and...
I still want the initial event to generate an event log entry, but then don't want the rest that are only due to the system trying to post the report to the central server.The systems in question will never have internet access, so they will continue to attempt to post the reports ...