Google uses artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to understand the nuanced meanings behind user queries and deliver the best results. To achieve this, they often need to take stop words into account. Analyze the Results for Any Keyword with the Key...
Which means that if a word doesn't have a score, the word doesn't impact the score in either direction (unless a separate rule tells it to do so). So words like 'the' and 'to' don't need to be removed, because they don't have scores associated with them. Member tomaarsen commen...
By default, stop words are stemmed themselves, and then applied to tokensafterstemming (or any other morphology processing). This means that a token is stopped when stem(token) is equal to stem(stopword). This default behavior can lead to unexpected results when a token is erroneously stemmed...
Trapped by my internal conflict of what I was taught (“don’t question your boss because she knows best, and you need to respect her authority”) versus my own knowing that this idea didn’t make sense, I stumbled over my words. After several awkward moments, she swooped in and kindly...
Are those the stop words that are going to be tokenised? But they look like they were already tokenised, so why tokenise them again? If this is a user warning it means everything would be all right, right? But then again, what are the final stop words the classifier used? Is my ...
I will bookmark this website and I will be back, whenever I feel the need to masturbate and I will remember on your words of advice. I have been deep into this addiction for 7 years already and reached the point where it controls my life and honestly can not take it anymore but I ...
Perceived Benefits of the Habit of Smoking … In other words You don’t really want to Smoke … You Want to: Manage Stress - People say that the feel more in control and therefore more relaxed as a result of smoking. It gives them a space to think and resolve issues by removing themse...
The "Interval" field is the timebetweenprocess launches, also in seconds. In the case of, this is set to 7200 — which means 120 minutes. The Interval field for the service is set to 86400 by default, wh...
Mind you that because of the exclusive nature of the support I provide to my customers, and because I am a man that stands by his words, there is obviously a limit on the amount of emails I can answer a day (I already answer more than 100 daily). No matter how committed I feel to...
NLP - NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) ... RabbitMQ(Message broker server) and Celery(Task queue) ... OpenCV3 and Matplotlib ... Simple tool - Concatenating slides using FFmpeg ... iPython - Signal Processing with NumPy iPython and Jupyter - Install Jupyter, iPython Notebook, drawing ...