The author believes the prosecutions are aimed at recouping federal money, arguing that the medical community is influenced by the drug companies into filing false claims with Medicare and Medicaid for drugs used for unapproved indications. Politically motivated wars on medicine would be good political...
Major International Leaders Plead for the US and the World to Get Smart and Stop the War on DrugsRoberta Seldon
op ‘war on drugs’ Kofi Annan: Stop ‘war on drugs’Kofi Annan: Stop ‘war on drugs’Fernando Henrique CardosoKofi A. Annan
"There has long been a feeling in Jamaica, the wider Caribbean and Latin America, that while our countries make great sacrifices to assist the United States in its war on drugs, there is nothing even close to reciprocity on the part of our rich and powerful northern neighbour in controlling ...
America has wasted too much time and effort fighting in the War on Drugs. It has been four decades since President Richard Nixon declared the War on Drugs on 1971 (“Brief History of the Drug War,” 2015). This war is also considered to be one of the longest in America and it is st...
the food I steal Floors ain'tdirty enough My game is like carryin' shotguns and 21 rough Doctor, I'm like the war on drugs I don'tstop, I'm all night ... 歌词 Redman. Malpractice. Enjoy Da Ride. 雷德曼. 弊端. 享受大骑.
First, there was the war on drugs. Then came the war on terrorism. Followed by the war on Christmas, women and religion. We seem to love waging wars. And now a new war has broken out: the war on comedy. This war started just a week ago by those defending Rush Limbaugh’s infamous...
U.S. "War On Drugs" Policies In recent years the United States' neighbor, Mexico, has suffered many negative effects from the ongoing war on drugs. Although there is plenty of news coverage about the horrors and casualties of the war, not many in the US are informed... A Cabral 被引...
Gavin Newsom, who billed it as a costly and overly punitive proposal that would return California to the era of mass incarceration and the war on drugs. Nov 2024 GOP is on the verge of claiming Senate control There are still several races that are too close to call, and a...