日推歌单|“在中国的越南人边哭边摇🎵”|《Body Shaming》 03:56 日推歌单|“是该收收心了 准备放寒假了❄️”|《Snowman》 02:45 识别亲密关系中的恋爱陷阱 给年轻人的恋爱手册 02:35 “越听越压抑,越压抑越想听!”《Say Yes To Heaven x Shootout》 Sean_Dream 57.8万 175 02:59 日...
1. Victims are too ashamed to come forward.Shame is at the core of the intense emotional wounding women (and men) experience when they are sexually violated. Sexual assault is, by its very nature, humiliating and dehumanizing. The victim feels invaded and defiled while si...
Archaeologists have found evidence of books filled with erotic imagery dating back to the early 1500s. I’m sure some guy was gawking at those books on a wagon traveling between villages, and everybody just dealt with it. No harm, no foul. Yet, centuries later, uptight passengers who ...
Beauty trends have come and gone, but shame is constant. Vaginas especially have had stigma attached to them, with people saying and implying that they are dirty, smelly, and meant to be hidden away. Pretty much nobody talks about penises that way. The OMV! line enhances those stigmas and...
2024: The Year of the Situationship Album Please Don’t Call My Weight Loss a Glow-Up The Love Triangles of 2024 Are Perfectly Cynical Stop Calling It a “Lesbian Renaissance.” Welcome to America’s Bitch-Themed Restaurants Sorry, Reality TV Doesn’t Deserve Fat People...
When it comes to body shaming oneself, it’s creating a constant internal narrative full of those types of insults and criticisms. The shame comes from the self, and is directed at the self, creating a really awful type of internal shame spiral. It is more common than you think. ...
Nobody wants to be obese, so most people with obesity try hard to lose weight their whole lives—unfortunately many of them without sustainable success. If we are to make progress on this painful and serious epidemic, we will need to turn to the most powerful tool known to the medical pr...
“She’s got no shame,” reads one Reddit post responding to an Instagram Story showing Otis with her daughter and flaunting her postpartum body — a sentiment that seems to reflect the way many people feel about moms who post in general. Not all of this criticism is without merit, of ...
Don’t kick yourself when you’re down. Don’t pile on to the hating and insulting and criticizing and shaming. Maybe you’re not all the way to self-love, or self-care, or self-compassion just yet. No problem. You’ll get there, if you want. ...
Want to stop RDNH and get the $$$ instead of a NAF or WIPO action?Hall of Shame is the way to start. Someday therewillbe a legal and criminal penalty but until then thereisa social penaltyif you choose. And believe me, the social penalty at Hall of Shame ismuchmore severe than a...