I couldn't sleep and the thought popped in my head that I had forgotten to update it in OpenIV and only did it in my main directory so it works now lol Appreciate the help!! can you explain how to update it like that or install it a new fresh stop the ped mine is not low...
stop the ped出现这种情况是怎么回事 只看楼主收藏回复 MiJer 警员 2 有大佬回答一下嘛?另外ultimate backup也是这种情况 点击展开,查看完整图片 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2022-03-27 18:56回复 MiJer 警员 2 dd 来自iPhone客户端2楼2022-03-27 19:04 回复 ...
Stop The Ped 是一款插件,其中包含了许多必要的添加和替换,以满足普通 LSPDFR 中的监管需求。 下载 插件- [截停嫌犯]Stop The Ped Stop The Ped 是一个插件,其中包含了许多必要的添加和替换,以满足普通 LSPDFR 中的监管需求。 这个插件提供了几乎相同的功能,允许你截停PED。 游戏中还有额外的 瞄准截...
Stop The Ped / Ultimate backup is not working ByTrey ellis,December 1, 2024 3replies 479views Lennyy December 1, 2024 Recently Browsing0 members No registered users viewing this page. Can't Shoot a gun ByEditName·PostedJust now I checked for "Ambient.DisablePlayerFlashlightOverride ". I don...
stop the p..其他的功能基本正常,但这是这两个插件一直没办法加载,已经用uu加速器加速游戏了,截停菜单不能正常使用导致拦停嫌犯之后没办法继续游戏,希望各位大佬帮助一下,
[单选题] The journapsts (had to) stop (working) on the news (that) the president had suddenly (as soon as) they heard it.A.had soon as 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [单选题] 线程在生命周期中要经历五种状态,在不使用stop()方法的情况下,线程当前处于终止状态,则...
在游戏中使用stop..在游戏中使用stoptheped插件无法对人员进行上铐的,请把stoptheped插件和fr模组更新至最新版,(插件版本目前是4.9.4.1,右键插件文件 属性 就可以看到版本号)如果不想更新插件就用
I modified the vehicle items from stop the ped, i added 30+ lines to it. You can find stop the ped here: I have permission to upload this file by the moderators of the plugin. .
Welcome to Stop-Ped (Stop Pedophiles / Stop Paedophiles). If you are a child or an adult and you have any doubts about what is OK, and what is not OK between an adult and a child, have a look at this sitehttps://www.donthideit.comit will help you work out if someone is being...