/data/openpilot command, then ./tune.sh. The text UI will be shown. (d) turn "tuneGernby" to a "1" (e) start driving and change the values to tune your steering. It is best to have a cell phone mount in your car. Note: It takes 3 seconds for any changes to take effect. ...
Before the U.S. Government stepped in to cap Verisign’s prices in 2012, Verisign’s previous contract permitted it to raise prices 7% annually in most years. That price cap ends on Nov. 30, 2018. TheICA has created a petition hereto stop another pricing increase. ...
Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll Returns the end point for the gradient fill. Read-only. C# 複製 public Microsoft.Office.Core.GradientStops GradientStops { get; } Property Value GradientStops GradientStops Applies to 產品版本 Excel primary interop assembly Latest ...
He knew Berg and his partner, Quentin Roberts, both Canadian, had started up Jirishanca on the same day as Anderson and Wharton—but what were the odds that a mountain that had seen three summits from the south in 65 years would get its fourth and fifth in the same 10-minute period b...
The only way to fix it is to reboot the server and bam, its working again for a few days or weeks.Restarting the server isnt a fix, it disrupts the client. We do weekly reboots now which seems to have reduced the frequency of the issue, but if it happens during the week we ha...
Mine fumed a bit when I took the cap off. Don't breathe it directly, and be sure you've opened the kitchen window. The starter etchant you've just made, on the other hand, is not so bad -- around 3M HCl with a medium-strong oxidizer. I find it doesn't fume much at room ...
100 – 80 – 60 – 40 -20 ( 40 min Cap) Power Snatch – Wall Ball – Assault Bike Cal This was the programmed workout from this past Saturday. Typically after the warmup, we get into teams. Well, this particular team incuded coach Brian, coach Michael and myself. Boy was I in ...
And hedge funds are on both sides of the trade, and they too are reading — or machine reading — the trading mania in the social media and trade with it or against it, thereby accelerating the moves. In the process, they all changed forever what famed sh...
deal powerful damage on multiple enemies. Once you activate this ability, your attack rate increases for a set duration. The amount of HP consumed, the damage, and the attack enhancement effect vary depending on the gauge. However, the attack rate enhancement effect is restricted on some skills...
The preferred embodiment of this invention is designed in the form of a box-type body as shown in FIG. 1. The body is composed of an upper cap (101) and a lower cap (201). At the top of the lower cap (201), is a proturberant strut (202) which may be erected (see FIG. 3A...