If you do trim your dog’s nail too short and cut the quick, which contains live blood vessels, the nail will bleed and your dog will likely yelp and pull away. The bleeding can be profuse and long lasting. Stay calm, talk in a soothing voice and immediately feed your dog a bunch o...
SOFREP interviewed the medical professionals of NGCM about the National Stop the Bleed Day, their service and transition to civilian medicine, and saving lives when responding to mass shooter events, among other topics. Here is what they had to say. SOFREP: What kind of combat trauma did you...
Including the meltdowns, reactions to the meds or the bleed in your spirit after a day when you need support but don’t know how to ask. In the beginning of our relationship bobcat and I had a saying: the tough part is over. That’s how I felt after the diagnosis. Ok, I’ve ...