After Office is installed, go back to the list of services and openPrint Spooler. Windows 8: On the Start screen, typeservices.mscand then clickservicesin the list of results. Double-clickPrint Spooler, and then clickStart>OK. Windows 7: ClickStart>Run, typese...
Hi Hello, we encountered a problem with the spooler printer, it stops very often by itself, we have to press start again, I want to know why, 4pc we found is win11 , patch details is last update KB5028948Windows 11 Windows 11 A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, ...
Keep in mind that the Stop-CsWindowsService cmdlet can only stop Skype for Business Server services; an error will occur if you attempt to stop a non-Skype for Business Server service (such as the print spooler) using this cmdlet. Functionally, the Stop-CsWindowsService cmdlet is very simila...
I'm trying to allow my help desk users to restart the print spooler service on my windows server 2019 standard server with this powershell command: restart-service -inputobject $(get-service -computer bnvlutil03 -name spooler) I've setup Gpo with this article
Turn off the printer, follow the instructions here Even though it does not show in your print queue it could be caught in the spooler and this is the first thing you w...
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional /Server /Advanced Server 情况三: 当你尝试在一台运行Windows 2000的电脑上使用Microsoft Outlook 98的打印功能时,电脑可能会停止响应,并且出现下面的出错信息:STOP:0x00000001E KMODE_EXCEPT_NOT_HANDLE:win32k.sys (0xC0000005,0xA00037C4,0x00000000,0x00000004) 注:该信息的...
Stops the Print Spooler service. The Print Spooler service loads files to memory for printing. "tcp/ip netbios helper" Stops the NetBIOS helper over TCP service, which enables NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) services. NetBT services provide NetBIOS data grams, NetBIOS sessions, and NetBIOS na...
SERVER SPOOLER TCP/IP NETBIOS HELPER UPS WORKSTATIONNET STOP 还可以停止非 Windows 提供的服务。NET HELP 命令 | MORE 显示帮助,一次显示一屏。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ...
1. Query the process To kill the service you have to know its PID or Process ID. To find this just type the following in at a command prompt: sc queryex servicename <Enter> Replace 'servicename' with the services registry name. For example: Print Spooler is spooler. ...
命令格式:net pause service (7)Net Continue 作用:重新激活挂起的服务。 命令格式:net continue service (8)NET STOP 作用:停止 Windows NT 网络服务。 命令格式:net stop service 参数介绍:我们来看看这些服务都是什么 (1)alerter(警报) (2)client service for netware(Netware 客户端服务) (3)clipbook ...