nginx: [error] OpenEvent("Global\ngx_stop_20448") failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified) 系统找不到指定的文件,那我就启动nginx D:\tools\nginx-1.8.0>nginx.exe nginx: [emerg] bind() to0.0.0.0:9001 failed (10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidd...
你好同学,你这种情况还真是少见呢,检查一下你的系统服务,看看是不是开机时默认同时开启了多个nginx服务。 0 回复 提问者 Ppo #1 不是的 回复 2018-06-25 15:48:09 Geely 回复 提问者 Ppo #2 用命令行启动最好,双击的时候运行,点一次多一个呢。。 回复 2018-08-20 22:59:39 相似问题老师 为什么...
ECHO.关闭Nginx... taskkill /F /IM nginx.exe > nul ECHO.OK,关闭所有nginx 进程 goto :eof :startNginx ECHO. ECHO.启动Nginx... IF NOT EXIST "%NGINX_DIR%nginx.exe" ECHO "%NGINX_DIR%nginx.exe"不存在 %NGINX_PATH% cd "%NGINX_DIR%" IF EXIST "%NGINX_DIR%nginx.exe" ( echo "start '...
Nginx 通知中樞 Operations Management 操作員 Nexus - 網路雲端 軌道的 Palo Alto Networks 對等互連 原則 Policy Insights PostgreSQL Power BI 專用 Power BI Embedded 私人DNS Purview Qumulo 配額 [復原服務] Redis 轉送 Reservations 資源連接器 Resource Graph 資源健全狀況 Resource Mover 資源 資源訂用帳戶 ...
Nginx 通知中心 Operations Management 操作员 Nexus - 网络云 Oracle 数据库 轨道的 Palo Alto Networks 窥视 政策 Policy Insights PostgreSQL Power BI 专用 Power BI Embedded 专用DNS 权限 Qumulo 配额 恢复服务 Redis 中继 保留 资源连接器 Resource Graph 资源运行状况 资源移动器 资源 资源订阅 Resources-P...
Created a basic configuration to run latest nginx (1.24) as a service on windows server with configuration as below and runnginxservice.exe testornginxservice.exe testwait: Configuration used: nginxservice.xml <service> <id>nginx</id> <name>NGINX proxy server</name> <description></description...
Image:nginx Name:reach-docs Command:/docker-entrypoint ID: a0c59618bf9e 3. Enter the following command for details on the containers currently running: docker ps Thedocker pscommand gets only the containers currently running, while thedocker ps -acommand returns all the containers whether ...
<workingdirectory>d:\prog\nginx\</workingdirectory></service> When I stop the service in windows 7, the service appears stopped, but if I look at the task manager, I still see nginxsvc.exe and both nginx.exe processes. I then I have to terminate the processes manually. Just wo...
如下说明是翻译 : helpStop-Process 产生的帮助信息 . 译者 : Edengundam( 马涛 )Stop-Process 大纲 停止一个或多个运行的进程 . 语法Stop-Process [-id] <Int32[]> [-passThru] [-whatIf powershell 扩展 windows string null 转载 Aceryt 8月前 ...