If the target thread waits for long periods (on a condition variable, for example), the interrupt method should be used to interrupt the wait. For more information, see Why are Thread.stop, Thread.suspend and Thread.resume Deprecated?. Java documentation for java.lang.Thread.stop(). Portions...
There are no direct or shortcut ways to stop thread in Java. A thread stops when the execution of therun()method is completed normally or a thread stops if it raises an exception in the meanwhile of Thread completion. Java does not provide some direct methods to stop threads in Java but...
在调用Thread.sleep(),Thread.join() 或 Object.wait()等方法使一个线程处于可中断的等待的状态时,如果另一个线程调用interrupt 函数,则会抛出InterruptedException,同时该线程会立即结束等待状态并清除中断标记,进入异常处理块。 在一个线程中调用另一个线程的interrupt()方法,会向被调用线程发出信号:线程中断状态已被...
首先stop方法的作用是什么呢,用java源码中的一句注释来了解一下:Forces the thread to stop executing.,即强制线程停止执行,'Forces’似乎已经透漏出了stop方法的蛮狠无理。 那么我们再看看java开发者是怎们解释stop被淘汰了的: This method is inherently unsafe. Stopping a thread with Thread.stop causes it to...
我们知道线程只有从 runnable 状态(可运行/运行状态) 才能进入terminated 状态(终止状态),如果线程处于 blocked、waiting、timed_waiting 状态(休眠状态),就需要通过 Thread 类的 interrupt() 方法,让线程从休眠状态进入 runnable 状态,从而结束线程。 这里就涉及到了一个概念“线程中断”,这是一种协作机制,当其他线程...
canNotStopThread 线程累加完毕之前,thread 线程休想得到锁,stop 也没用。 stop 方法是否能让线程终止,并且释放锁? 当然能,不用怀疑。 我的这段代码,如果把 while 循环去掉,结果就会变成这样: rollback i = 1 i = 2 i = 3 i = 4 i = 5
* method is called withthis * as its argument. This may result in a *SecurityExceptionbeing raised (in the current thread). * * If this thread is different from the current thread (that is, the current * thread is trying to stop a thread other than itself), the ...
Today we're going to learn abouthow to stop a thread in Java. It's easy to start a thread in Java because you have astart()method but it's difficult to stop the thread because there is no workingstop()method. Well, there was astop()method in Thread class, when Java was first rel...
我们知道线程只有从 runnable 状态(可运行/运行状态) 才能进入terminated 状态(终止状态),如果线程处于 blocked、waiting、timed_waiting 状态(休眠状态),就需要通过 Thread 类的 interrupt() 方法,让线程从休眠状态进入 runnable 状态,从而结束线程。 这里就涉及到了一个概念“线程中断”,这是一种协作机制,当其他线程...