注意robinhood只能设置当天和永久不过期 Stop Loss: 这块是在购买的时候比较难理解,实际用途其实也不是很多。他是用于加仓的,比如现价10刀,你设置11刀Stop Loss,注意是购买的stop loss,他会在涨到11刀的时候,进行market order操作 Stop Limit Order: 这块就是stop loss的操作+limit order的操作,需要输入两个数字,...
Definitely, in this context, the name “stop-loss order” is a little bit misleading. Stop-loss orders are mainly intended to guard against significant losses on both long and short positions. However, since they get triggered when the security’s price trades over a specified level, they can...
注意robinhood只能设置当天和永久不过期 Stop Loss: 这块是在购买的时候比较难理解,实际用途其实也不是很多。他是用于加仓的,比如现价10刀,你设置11刀Stop Loss,注意是购买的stop loss,他会在涨到11刀的时候,进行market order操作 Stop Limit Order: 这块就是stop loss的操作+limit order的操作,需要输入两个数字,...
注意robinhood只能设置当天和永久不过期 Stop Loss: 这块是在购买的时候比较难理解,实际用途其实也不是很多。他是用于加仓的,比如现价10刀,你设置11刀Stop Loss,注意是购买的stop loss,他会在涨到11刀的时候,进行market order操作 Stop Limit Order: 这块就是stop loss的操作+limit order的操作,需要输入两个数字,...
最近发现身边玩股票的都在用robinhood,也写过文章做过介绍优劣势(《美股/期货基础及入门常识整理》),我一直觉得robinhood功能不是很全,只适合随便玩玩,比较繁复的操作他不太合适。不过这几天我偶然发现他竟然能做Stop loss等操作,突然好像发现了新大陆。其实有了这个功能,基本上能满足大多数业余人士的需求了。
You can do that by setting up a take profit or stop loss. You can check the bots in the “Bot Marketplace” tab. All the bots have a “Read More” button for more information.The bots can be filtered by performance period, monthly subscription, and supported exchanges. They are divided...
They can be used to trade in both directions, open or close orders and most importantly, limit your loss on a position that goes against you. Buy Stop Loss A buy stop loss order is designed to protect short positions. They do this by triggering a market buy order if the price rises ab...
"We had no role in Robinhood’s decision to limit trading in GameStop or any other of the “meme” stocks. "During the period of frenzied retail equities trading, Citadel Securities was the only major market maker to provide continuous liquidity every minute of every trading day. When others...
Millions of amateur traders tried to force professional short sellers to take a loss. "[Robinhood] failed in their fundamental promise to their clients," said lawyer Brandon Taaffee of Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick. The suit he filed is one of dozens against Robinhood. It's on behalf of a Sa...
“And I’m not going to say that Robinhood did everything perfect and that we haven’t made mistakes in the past. But what I commit to is making sure that we improve from this, we learn from it, and we don’t make the same mistakes in the future,” Tenev said. ...