stop sell和buy是止损指令,stop sell一般是在long position时止损,stop buy 是short position时止损。 比如: long时, 10块到8块, stop sell是8块止损 short时,8块到10块, stop buy是10块止损 好,以上的止损指令理解应该没问题。 然后是limit sell and buy是限价指令。 在听课件时,李老师说,long时, 10...
stop limit order: 可以这么理解stop order是一个trigger,触发条件, limit order是你严格限制的价格,券...
2、限价停损单 ( stop-limit order ):此种委托单结合了限价买单 ( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单 ( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式。当股票达到一特定价格时,限价停损委托单便被使用。范例: 假设说李阿姨今天下的是一张卖100股通用汽车(GM)公司股票的订单当其股票价格在美金$50元。只要这家...
In practice, however, this doesn't happen very often and your stop-limit order will likely be filled either in a single trade or over several trades as the stock price hovers around the $42 level. In short, a stop-limit order doesn't guarantee you will sell, but it does guarantee you...
Limit buy同理,如果用limit buy 来实现Gail的愿望,当前股价86美金,那成交的就会是84美金到98美金之间的单,显然不符合Gail的要求。而stop buy是大于98才成交。C正确。感谢老师解答! limit buy:小于等于某价格买入; limit sell:小于等于某价格卖出; stop buy:大于等于某价格买入; ...
在CFA备考中,有很多童鞋在学到 Stop order (止损单) 时往往会将它和Market order (市价单)、Limit order (限价单) 混淆。最常容易出错的地方就是傻傻分不清Stop buy order (止损买单) 和 Stop sell order(止损卖单) 的区别,以及什么价格下止损单可以有效执行。 排雷: 顾名思义,止损单(Stop order or...
movements or gaps, the trade may be executed at a price below the stop price. On the other hand, a stop-limit order offers price protection as it specifies a limit price at which the trader is willing to buy or sell. This allows a trader to have greater control over the execution ...
可以解释一下为什么stop sell是limit long position的loss吗?对于long来说不应该是最初借钱买stock然后price上升再还钱吗?为什么会是stop sell呢?还有就是为什么stop buy是limit short position的loss呢?对于short来说不应该是最初借stock,然后卖stock然后投资,然后price下降再买stock然后还回去吗?为什么会是stop buy呢...
Stoplimit order:可以这么理解stop order是一个trigger,触发条件, limit order是你严格限制的价格,券商只能按照你设置的limit price来买卖(可能会有微小差异,可以忽略)。所以stop limit order就是给你更多的控制权,你设定2个价格stop price和limit price,当达到stop price的时候,这时候这个stop limit order 就成为了...
How to use the different trading order types, from market orders to pending orders: Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Stop Loss and Take Profit.