uni@uni-virtual-machine:~$ service jenkins stop Failed to stop jenkins.service: Unit jenkins.service not loaded.
#!/bin/shDESC="Jenkins CI Server"NAME=jenkinsPIDFILE=/var/run/$NAME.pidRUN_AS=jenkinsCOMMAND="/usr/bin/java -- -jar /home/jenkins/jenkins.war"d_start(){start-stop-daemon--start--quiet--background--make-pidfile--pidfile $PIDFILE--chuid $RUN_AS--exec $COMMAND}d_stop(){start-sto...
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/opt/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/java" (in directory "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/xinguan"): error=2, No such file or directory 2019-12-19 12:17 −# 测试jenkins构建,报错如下 ``` Parsing POMs Established TCP socket on 44463 [xinguan] $ /opt/jdk1.8.0...
jenkins pipeline pipeline { agent any options { timestamps() } parameters { string(name:'BUILD_PARA',defau... 码云本周更新汇总,项目详情页增加分类显示 为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>> 码云 Gitee 每周更新汇总! 新增功能: 码云 Gitee 的 WebHook 增加对钉钉的支持 (详情)。 编辑器添加支持手动...
If you're using a PaaS service like storage, or an 'as a service' option that gives you software like Hadoop or Jenkins, or a data warehouse that would be complex and time-consuming to set up at the click of a checkbox, tell me how much you care about not having the computer runnin...