If you hit your fair share of fat shots, there’s a good chance you also hit the golf ball thin (or top it) on occasion too. Once you get a feel for shifting your weight correctly in the down swing, so that you take a healthy divot after the ball, you’ll no longer hit the b...
However, I’m pretty sure we have a Near/Far issue due to our AP layout, think of it as as big “L” shape, with lots of metal and concrete walls, sitting in the “arm” of the “L”. Or……are we just hitting the point of demodulation issues on that far away AP, since we...
It's one of the most common golf questions that a golf coach receives: how to stop hitting the ground first behind the golf ball. If this is something you are fed up of doing out on the golf course, then you have arrived at the right place as PGA proDanny Maudehas got some simple ...
Non-Stop in particular has a climax where the plane rapidly descends, launching Liam Neeson into the air and throwing him back just as he lines up a shot against a hijacker, hitting him right between the eyes. One can only hope Neeson yelled out, "Kobe!" as he took that last second ...
STOP FAT AND THIN CHIP SHOTSThe article presents golf instruction on the short game, offering a technique for addressing the ball when hitting chip shots.DeNunzio, DavidChwasky, MichaelGolf Magazine
I know several people will probably faint when they see the new MAME WIP update, so make sure you have someone to keep you from falling down and hitting the floor ... hard. - atila One of the few arcade emulators that's still being updated and happens to be relatively new is LASER...
Here’s a couple screen shots showing something interesting. You see two APs, then I moved 10 feet towards the front of the building, same location just 10 feet(on that previous blog post showing the floor-plate, I moved closer to the bottom). ...