对KB来说,成为学校的女生新生并不容易。KB在新学校的第一天遇到了Cassandra,并在全班面前遭到了取笑,Cassandra在学校里会霸凌他人。 音频列表 1 1-幼儿园防霸凌01-是的 这就是霸凌(Yes,That's bullying) 117 2022-07 2 1-幼儿园防霸凌-02 操场是大家的(The Playgroud is for Everyone) ...
声音简介 KB没有告诉妈妈学校里发生的事情,她不想告诉妈妈自己在新学校的第一天有多艰难。她没有告诉妈妈其他孩子取笑她,并通过在网上发布她的照片对她进行网络霸凌。 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 刘龙俊 2022-07回复赞音频列表 1 1-幼儿园防霸凌01-是的 这就是霸凌(Yes,That's bullying) 1192022-07 2 1...
Last year, four students from Greece came across the story of Amanda Todd, a 15-year-old in Canada who tragically took her own life after two years of bullying. Inspired by the young woman’s story, the students – Georgios Schinas, Ilias Chrysovergis, Margarita Bi...
This amounts to little more than cyberbullying. My advice to other QB desktop users facing this issue is twofold: 1.) Look for alternatives, and the Sage desktop product could be one. Share your findings. 2.) Start poking around for help from re...