1.b if user enable the option, the RC will still beep in the same laud and anoying way for 15 seconds regardless any action of end user after an alarm is triggered, LowBat, RTH etc. after those 15 seconds user will have the chance to disable the alarm by sliding left the pop up ...
STT likes to think of itself as a one-stop-shop when it comes to fighting the wind industry, but there are plenty of others who are dedicated to helping communities and wind farm neighbours. In Australia, the stand out has always been Dr Sarah Laurie (ab
1.b if user enable the option, the RC will still beep in the same laud and anoying way for 15 seconds regardless any action of end user after an alarm is triggered, LowBat, RTH etc. after those 15 seconds user will have the chance to disable the alarm by sliding left the pop up ...