Stop And Frisk Case Study “Stop‚ question‚ and frisk” is a controversial practice that was used by the New York City Police Department‚ where a police officer wouldstopany person acting suspicious‚ the police officer would question them and if they felt that it rose to the level...
UNDERSTANDING RACIAL DISPARITIES IN NEW YORK CITY'S STOP-AND-FRISK POLICY BY SHARAD GOEL, JUSTIN M. RAO AND RAVI SHROFF Stanford University, Microsoft Research and New York University Recent studies have examined racial disparities in stop-and-frisk, a wi- dely employed but controversial policing ...
The decision ofTerry v. Ohio(1968), created a president for police officers to pat down or “frisk” a suspect under certain conditions: such as when reasonable suspicion of a crime, or for the officers safety. This created what is known as a “terry stop”, or stop and frisk....