解析 once in a while 意思是 偶尔,有时 stop dead in its tracks 意思是 突然停下 整句话的意思是 因此,他的马偶尔会突然停下. 字典里有的. 分析总结。 整句话的意思是因此他的马偶尔会突然停下结果一 题目 英语翻译So once in a while his horse would stop dead in its tracks. 答案 once in a ...
(在计时比赛或活动中)停表to stop measuring time in a game or an activity that has a time limit stop short|stop sb short (使)突然停住to suddenly stop, or make sb suddenly stop, doing sth stop short of sth/of doing sth 差一点儿没做某事;险些做出某事to be unwilling to do sth because ...
orThe deer saw the hunter and stopped in its tracks, orAn excellent skateboarder, she could stop on a dime. The first term usescoldin the sense "suddenly and completely," a usage dating from the late 1800s. The first variant was first recorded in 1789 and probably was derived from the ...
以下为句子列表: 英文: So once in a while his horse would stop dead in its tracks, because you know animals can sense things people can't. 中文: 有一次,马突然停下来,因为我们都知道动物能感觉的我们人感觉不到的东西。 更详细... 分享到: ...
John was making breakfast in the kitchen. Who's going to make the tea?make somebody somethingI'll make you some sandwiches.4▶CAUSE◀[transitive]to cause something to happen, or cause a particular state or conditionIts beautiful beaches make this a highly popular area with tourists.It was...
“stop the presses” was heard, and the presses ground to a halt in mid-issue. You didn't have to be Perry White or Citizen Kane to shout “stop the presses!” All you had to do was mean you were about to say something of importance or, when meant sarcastically, to indicate that ...
Then, like magic, something switched in my brain, and another voice came charging in like a knight on a white horse and said, in a lighter, more compassionate tone, “Uhhm, dude. It’s just toast.” The first voice stopped in its tracks and was like… “Wait, what did you just sa...
National & Minnesota Report With the wind of the Donald J Trump (R) in its face Ranked Choice Ballot (RCV) measures across the country failed and we revel at their losses. The misguided process of holding single transferable elections was on the ballot in a number... Is It Payback for...
stop dead 美 英 na.突然停下来 网络突然停止;突然地;突然中止 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 突然停下来
Should You Pass A School Bus Without Its Stop Sign? You're on your way to work and you see a school bus stopped at a corner with no children in sight. The bus is pulled to the side of the road with flashing lights but does not have its stop sign extended. ...