The meaning of STOP CLOCK is a timing device similar to a stop watch but larger in size usually electrically operated and often designed for measuring very brief time intervals.
Stop is the general term for the idea: to stop a clock. Arrest usually refers to stopping by imposing a sudden and complete restraint: to arrest development. Check implies bringing about an abrupt, partial, or temporary stop: to check a trotting horse. To halt means to make a temporary ...
The meaning of STOPWORK is a device to prevent tight winding of the mainspring of a watch or clock.
The word clock is derived from theCeltic words clagan and clocca meaning "bell". A silent instrument that doesn't have a bellhas traditionally been known as a timepiece. But today a "clock" refers to any device formeasuring...
stopped clock is right twice a day stopped clocks stopped cold stopped cold turkey stopped dado stopped dead stopped dead in her tracks stopped dead in his tracks stopped dead in my tracks stopped dead in one's tracks stopped dead in our tracks ...
The transitive sense of "hinder from progress or procedure, put a stop to" (a thief, a clock, conception) is by late 14c., as is that of "hold (someone or something) back from a specified course or purpose." By c. 1400 stop could mean "shut (someone in something), confine, shut...
she could stop on a dime. The first term usescoldin the sense "suddenly and completely," a usage dating from the late 1800s. The first variant was first recorded in 1789 and probably was derived from the slightly older, and still current,come to a dead stop, with the same meaning. Th...
[中考英语下期中考模拟] The sound from Miranda’s alarm clock would not stop. Miranda reached over and stopped the noise ringing in her room. The action brought her a few minutes of peace and quietness.On a usual day, Miranda jumped out of bed even before the alarm clock could ring. She...
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening stopping power stopple stop press stop price stops stop short stop sign stop someone's clock stop street Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024 ...
The meaning of STOP CARD is a card (as in canasta) that when played on the discard pile prevents the taking of that pile.