Just about anybody would be highly concerned, if they found mucus or blood in their stools. There are many factors that could have led to the presence of mucus in stools and fortunately, not all of them are a huge cause of concern. Given below are some of the most common factors that ...
Guestover a year ago Hi. I have a big problem. I have diarrhea and there is blood in my stool. I have lost my weight and sometimes I feel pain in lower abdomen. What could that mean? Remove Ads hixenbaugh2344over a year ago ...
Maybe you do have too many mucus in your stool. When we are talking about this, you should know that mucus is the most common cause ofwhite stooland it’s not something unusual. Also, it is not that scary. You should know that mucus traps bacteria and helps waste pass through the col...
Initially, it may be ideal to avoid meals and foods that are dominant in fat. Good hydration and electrolyte balance may improve pancreatic and bile output. Simply adding bitter greens like kale and sours like lemon can help reduce fat in stools. Bitters and sours are cholagogues, meaning ...
Stools that are loose and maroon or black are suggestive ofbleedingsomewhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. If the stool is very dark or black, this can indicate bleeding in the esophagus and stomach, while bright red or maroon stool suggests bleeding in the rectum or large intestine. ...
Mucus in the stool due to infection of the colon The signs of mucus in the stool are sometimes more obvious, for example when analyzed visually it will be noted that the mucus is clear, opaque, yellow or green like that of the second example with the characteristic that this time there ...
He feels that he cannot adequately evacuate his stool. There is no blood or mucus in his stool. He has smoked one pack per day for the past 20 years. He has a history of type 2 diabetes. He has never had a colonoscopy. Family history is negative for any cancer. On exam, he is ...
mucus in the feces, weight loss, and the fast onset of bad-smelling diarrhea. Your veterinarian can diagnose giardia with a fecal test that is run in-house or sent to a lab. Once they confirm the diagnosis, your veterinarian will treat giardia with medications such as fenbendazole and ...
ARE YOU WONDERING HOW AYURVEDA CAN HELP YOU? WHY IS AYURVEDA THE RIGHT SOLUTION? Ayurveda strengthens the body while opposing disorders. It takes a holistic, systemic approach that looks at the whole body. Ayurveda shows how to interpret signs and symptoms of imbalance, and how to address the...
Soft stools or diarrhea in an otherwise healthy hamster may be an indication that he is being fed on to much sugar, or green vegetables.