我选Stony Brook因为EPFL硕士读完可能就申不上PhD了。
Stony Brook University is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis. Stony Brook University confers degrees through various schools, such as: the Renaissance School of Medicine, the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and the Stony...
(2) Cost of Attendance Stony Brook University (3)APPLYING TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL - FAQs TRANSCRIPTS Stony Brook University (4) APPLYING TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL - FAQs TEST SCORES Stony Brook University (5)FAQs APPLICATION TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Stony Brook University (6)Requirements for the Ph....
Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine at Stony Brook Medicine. She received her undergraduate degree from Harvard University and her PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles.
The U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board have selected Stony Brook University Distinguished Teaching Professor Marci Lobel, PhD, from the Department of Psychology, as the recipient of a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award for 2025-2026. She was awarded this recognitio...
在Stony Brook University (纽约州立大学石溪分校)就读是怎样一番体验? Alsymiya 搞点代数图论算法的PhD 虽然还没毕业,不过该体验的可能也差不多了。 以下是一年半硕+五年博的体验(从一开始到最后,逐渐的感觉): 东西好贵! 西食堂自助可以坐里面一天想吃就吃想喝… ...
(2)纽约州立大学石溪分校分春秋两季申请,秋季学期研究生申请(MA和PhD项目)截止日期是1月15日,春季学期研究生申请(只有MA项目)截止日期是10月15日。 (3)纽约州立大学石溪分校研究生院没有规定GRE最低分数要求,学生可联系具体攻读的学系了解GRE要求。
Bachelor Master MBA PHD Stony Brook University is one of America’s most dynamic public universities. A member of the invitation-only Association of American Universities, Stony Brook is one of the 66 top research institutions in North America. Our 2,700-plus faculty are leaders in significant...
I started at SUNY Stony Brook in 1966 as a math major, but I also signed up for freshman physics. My teacher was Arnold Strassenberg, an exceptionally good lecturer, and we used the Berkeley series book on mechanics and he suggested the Feynman Lectures for supplemental reading. I fell in...
AMWUSB-FM:每天24小时的时间表由160多名Stony Brook学生,教职员工,校友和社区 虎皮脆鸡蛋 8-4 2 纽约州立大学石溪分校的特色~ 虎皮脆鸡蛋 1、是全美最权威的美国大学协会成员。科研实力位列全美公立大学前列,排名第二,仅次于加州大学伯克利分校。 2、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者杨振宁教授在该校执教30余年。 3...