I have found that the heated and often demeaning dialogue between well-meaning individuals and groups usually concerns the interpretation of three main events listed in the early chapters of the Book of Genesis. These events are… 1.) Creation: What is the length of the Creation "Day"? Can ...
Ganesha Quartzhave a beautiful and quite unspoiled vibration as they come from high in the Himalayan Mountains, from an area located in Eastern Indian. The meaning of stones like these is interesting, as many have breakage or fractures in the crystal which are caused by the extreme cold. These...
No musician credits are listed on the album sleeve although it’s widely accounted that Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton, Stephen Stills, Leon Russell, Bill Wyman and Peter Frampton all joined George Harrison in it’s recording. Tags: Apple, Bill Wyman, Delaney & Bonnie, Doris Troy, Dusty Springfiel...
Most of the stones listed above are a 3 or 4 on the Mohs scale. 3 Scrape the stone with the point of a pocket knife. This will tell you if a stone is hard enough to be polished.[3] If the scrape mark is gritty or white, the stone is too soft—you can still polish it, but...