Points of View: Problem with Stones from Glass HousesByline: Simon Hamilton, Vice-Chairman, Bannside DUP
(redirected fromdo not throw stones in glass houses) don't throw stones in glass houses Don't criticize others for faults that the you also have (since such criticism will likely be returned).You keep claiming that I dodged taxes, yet it's public knowledge that you still owe the IRS for...
14、stepping-stones(stepping-stone 的复数) n. 踏脚石, 进身之价 15、stocks andstones无生命之物, 偶像, 迟钝的人 16、throwstonesat 非难, 指责 17、casingstones套管石 18、caststonesfrom glass houses 从玻璃房子里扔石头 19、capturedstones捕获的石头...
(judge = criticize; have walked a mile in his shoes = have understood his situation well enough)另一句是:Judge not lest ye be judged.(来自圣经)(意思是:不要批评别人,免得将来也被别人批评.)(ye 是古字 = you;lest 是连接词,意思是唯恐或免得.)就是:If you criticize others,yo...
网络释义 1. 投鼠忌器 English... ... Think before you speak. 在说之前先想想 Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. 投鼠忌器。 ... www.douban.com|基于76个网页 2. 家居玻璃房,切忌乱扔石 www.docin.com|基于5个网页©...
英语谚语: Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones 中文意思: 自己有短处,不要揭别人的短处。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: He most lives who lives most for others 活著对别人贡献最多的人,活得最有意义。 He must needs go whom the devil drives 势在必行。 He ...
【题目】谚语"people who live in glass houses should't throw stones"是什么意思? 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 【解析】 "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones”的意思是“人居温室,不可投石(自己有缺点就 不要指责别人)”。
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: html_title Throwing Stones in Glass Houses: The ASA and the Road to Academic Boycott /html_title Bill V. Mullen (bio) Click for larger view View full resolution Figure 1. Edward Said, July 2000. Photographer AFP/Collection...
(judge = criticize; have walked a mile in his shoes = have understood his situation well enough)另一句是:Judge not lest ye be judged. (来自圣经)(意思是:不要批评别人,免得将来也被别人批评。)(ye 是古字 = you;lest 是连接词,意思是唯恐或免得。)就是:If you criticize ...
好了,今天就跟大家来说一个有意思的谚语~People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones,字面上直译就是住在玻璃屋子里的人不应该向别人扔石头。很好理解吧,你在玻璃房子里向房子外的人扔石头,首先会毁了自己的房子。换言之,自身有短,勿批他人。先正己而后正人;同时它还指出于自身利益的考虑,合作...