He merely functioned as a liaison, distributing the group’s entry tickets, but sat back and did nearly nothing the rest of the day. (The bus driver did far more work.) He then had the arrogance to ask for tips four separate times on the way back. Once or twi...
Scientists have little doubt that Stonehenge functioned as a Neolithic cemetery. What stands out is that in a violent age, the bodies buried there showed no signs of any kind of conflict. Huge, Mysterious Settlement Discovered Near StonehengeSeeker - November 22, 2016 A vast, mysterious complex ...
It has been suggested that this ‘ancillary’ structure may have functioned as a workshop or storage building. However, no evidence of flint or stone working was found within the building, so we continue to look for another explanation. Could it have been a temporary building which left less ...
It is so well-designed that some observers believe it functioned as a solar and lunar calendar at a time when the emerging agrarian societies in Neolithic Britain became aware of the significance of the Sun and Moon in predicting seasons, a view that contrasts with British archeologists who beli...
The Dolmen of Guadalperal likely once had a mounded top, and the chamber inside may have functioned as a tomb, a religious site, or a trading post along the Tagus River in southeastern Spain. This ancient site was discovered in 1926 by the German archaeologist Hugo Obermaier, who also ...