新建一个文件夹,把下载好的exe文件放进去 打开exe文件后,会出来一个黑色的dos窗口并询问你Where would you like to install the server?也就是问你把服务端下载在哪,直接回车就可以了(前提是你放在你新建好的文件夹里) 3.他会询问你是否继续下载,y是是,n是否,直接输入y再回车即可 你愿意吗? 4.他会提示你...
FTB StoneBlock 3 In a world surrounded by stone, build yourself a subterranean kingdom that really rocks! Use magic and technology to forge your realm to your designs. Minecraft 1.18.2 Modloader Forge Latest version 1.11.4 Versions 26
How do I play on the FTB StoneBlock 3 by CraftersLand Minecraft server? Open the Minecraft launcher, next click the "Play" button, then select "Multiplayer" from the main menu. Click the "Add Server" button to open the server information form then copy & paste the IP Address sb3.crafters...
Find all the best Minecraft StoneBlock servers on our top server list.Rank Server Players Status Tags #60 1.20.1 play.baconetworks.com 79/500 Online Discord Economy Feed The Beast Land Claim PvE Ranks Sky Factory StoneBlock Survival #185 1.21.1 play.minewonderland.net 42/500 Online All...
StoneBlock2 Minecraft Feed The Beast Server Version: 1.12.2 Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: sb2.craftersland.
etc. for (it in loaders) vers("$version-$it", version) } mc("1.20.2", "fabric", "forge") mc("1.21", "fabric", "forge", "neoforge") mc("1.21.4", "fabric", "forge", "neoforge") vcsVersion = "1.21.4-fabric" } create(rootProject) } rootProject.name = "ServerRedstoneBloc...
5.00 star(s)3 ratings Updated Feb 25, 2022 Open#1 Stoneblock2 1.12.2 Survival/Economy Server - IP: play.stoneblock2.ca Shybella Sep 12, 2020 Stoneblock2.ca 24/7 Server - VERSION 1.20.X [Economy] - [Jobs] - [Shops] - [Towns] - [Event] ...