Men's Ripple Junction Black "Stone Cold" Steve Austin WWE Champion Fleece Pullover Sweatshirt Ready To Ship $59.99$5999 with code Regular: $79.99$7999 Men's Chalk Line Black "Stone Cold" Steve Austin Texas Venom Pullover Hoodie Most ...
Steve Austin is widely regarded as the biggest pro-wrestling star in modern times. Even if subsequent made more money for the company, few, if any, matched Austin’s reach, popularity, and appeal. No wrestler has accomplished so much in a 4-5-year period than what Austin achieved between ...
Stone Cold,职业摔角运动员,出生于1964年12月18日,1989年12月18日首次登上摔角比赛舞台,曾获得WCW等比赛冠军。 他现在是退役的摔角手,也是美国著名演员,擂台名为"Stone Cold" Steve Austin,成名于90年代的WWF和WCW摔角联盟,Austin的风格控制着90年代末和21世纪初的职业摔角主流,啤酒罐、碎玻璃、桀骜不驯已经成为...
His character and name has been used in almost every WWE video game ever made, including the latest WWE 2K17. In his lifetime he won total of 25 championships and was 6 times WWF champion. Austin has his own line of knives with the name Cold Steel Knife, which is a cool marketing tri...
That includes Stone Cold Steve Austin looking back on his battles with Mankind, while current WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins reflects on his lucky escape earlier this year from Brock Lesnar.In other WWE 2K16 news, it has been revealed today that the managers set to be included in...
们乐道于2002年Wrestlemania上The Rock和Hulk Hogan对视时的万众瞩目,但这也超越不了延绵不绝的挑眉对中指,"if you smell”对"cos Stone Cold said so”,"Stone Cold ”stunner对Rock bottom,son of bitch对people’s champion.更不必提那互使对方绝技的惊艳,场内场外斗法的惊心动魄。而当两位划时代人物站在擂...
选手名:Stone Cold Steve Austin——冷石 史蒂夫·奥斯汀(外号:响尾蛇) 真实姓名:Steve Williams 出生日期:1964年12月18日 星座:射手座 绰号:德州响尾蛇,冷石 真实姓名:Steve Williams 家乡:德克萨斯州维多利亚市 婚姻状况:第一任妻子未知姓名,第二任妻子Jeanie(于1999年离婚,育有两个子女)第三任妻子Debra(与2003...
3. “I’m gonna open up a can of whoop-a** on you.”— Stone Cold Steve Austin 4. “I love my mother to death. I’m pretty much a reflection of her.”— Stone Cold Steve Austin 5. “Stone Cold Steve Austin should be the champion you should try to be like!”— Stone Cold ...
the WWF Title has been vacant because of what happened at Judgment Day and we will crown a new WWF Champion at The Survivor Series Deadly Games in a one night tournament. Even though Stone Cold Steve Austin wa...
La rivalità principale dell'evento fu tra Stone Cold Steve Austin e Vince McMahon, che non voleva Austin come campione WWF. The main feud heading into the event was between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon, who did not want Austin as the WWF Champion. WikiMatrix Dopo l'incon...