选手名: Stone Cold Steve Austin 真实姓名: Steve Williams 出生日期: 1964年12月18日 家乡: 德克萨斯州维多利亚市 婚姻状况:第一任妻子未知姓名,第二任妻子Jeanie(于1999年离婚,育有两个子女)第三任妻子Debra(与2003年离婚)第四任妻子Tess Broussard(与2004年离婚) 身高:188CM(6英尺2英寸) 体重:115kg(255磅...
让我们来了解一下这位备受瞩目的摔角界传奇人物——Stone Cold Steve Austin,也就是在擂台下名为Steve Williams的硬汉。Stone Cold以其独特的个性和标志性的冷酷形象闻名于世,他的星座是充满冒险精神的射手座,这或许在一定程度上塑造了他的不拘一格和独立人格。他的绰号“德州响尾蛇”和“冷石”本身就...
Profiles professional wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin. Stature as the most popular wrestler in the United States; Insights on the popularity of wrestling as a sport; Personal background; Educational background; Start of career as a wrestler; Highlights of career as a wrestler; Views on the ...
Birth City: Austin Birth Country: United States Best Known For: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin is one WWE's biggest stars from the '90s and part of the 'Attitude Era.' Known for his Austin 3:16 tagline, he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009. Fact Check We strive for accura...
<摄魂>奥神Stone Cold喜欢Stacy Keiblers饼干(老婆在后) 2001 摄魂SIS 914 0 <摄魂>名场面Austin荧幕首次揍老麦1997 Stone Cold 摄魂SIS 9523 2 【名场面】卡恩(Kane)化妆成送葬者(Undertaker)攻击冷石(Stone Cold) 周稀嘻 1.3万 15 谁说凯恩只能单手抛摔小个子的? 凯恩是男孩子 2.2万 9 ...
<摄魂>Asutin断头台祸爷Stunner时刻2002 Hulk Hogan Stone Cold 摄魂SIS 1576 3 <摄魂>Austin官方DVD专辑预告片 2011 摄魂SIS 873 0 <摄魂>官方绘画Austin 2021 Texas Rattlesnake 摄魂SIS 998 0 <摄魂>奥神-生日快乐-Stone Cold Steve Austin出场乐MV 1999欢呼版出场乐MV2023 摄魂SIS 2402 0 <摄魂>RAW...
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin:Bio Proudly raising his middle fingers in the faces of everyone who dared oppose him, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was the blue-collar warrior for the common man. Clad in jeans and black leather often soaked in beer foam, Austin was defiant, brash and dared anyone...