The meaning of STOMACH is a saclike expansion of the digestive tract of a vertebrate that is located between the esophagus and duodenum and typically consists of a simple often curved sac with an outer serous covering, a strong muscular wall that contrac
The meaning of STOMACH is a saclike expansion of the digestive tract of a vertebrate that is located between the esophagus and duodenum and typically consists of a simple often curved sac with an outer serous covering, a strong muscular wall that contrac
Movement of the stomach/stomach lining upward into the esophagus or diaphragm is termed what? A...Question:Movement of the stomach/stomach lining upward into the esophagus or diaphragm is termed what? A. Gastric reflux B. Gastr...
movesupintotheesophagus,whichisthetubethatcarriesthefoodfromthe mouthtothestomach.Onceagain,itcanbequitepainful. Thewomansays,“Idohaveaproblemwithtoomuchgasandburpingalot.” “Gas”(gas)herereferstosomeonewhohasaircomeoutoftheirbutt,andit’s oftennotverypleasantsmelling.Themoretechnicalwordwouldbe“flatul...
Acid reflux is a the backward flow of stomach acid up into the esophagus. It does not involve any disease in the stomach but is often grouped under the broad term of ‘stomach irritation’. Acute reflux may arise for a number of reasons like overeating, exercising after a heavy meal, exce...
The inner wall (mucosa and submucosa layers) is thrown into folds known as rugae, or gastric folds, which allow the stomach to distend upon the entry of the food. A bolus of food enters the stomach from the esophagus. The various tissue layers of the stomach wall then combine their ...
3/11/2011 - Acid reflux, and the heartburn that results, occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. About one-third of Americans experience heartburn on a regular basis. Treatment with both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications might temporarily stop the burn...
stomach pumpan apparatus used to remove material from the stomach, consisting of a stomach tube to which a bulb syringe is attached. The tube is inserted into the mouth or nose and passed down the esophagus into the stomach. Suction from the syringe brings the contents of the stomach up thr...
the portion of the stomach which bulges up past the point of entry of theesophagus.(食管) (图片来源:百度) anterior wall [æn'tɪərɪə] 胃壁 greater curvature ['kɜ:vətʃə] 胃大弯 Starting from the cardiac orificeat the ina, it forms an ac...
It can also aggravate GERD, a disorder where acid rises up from the stomach into the esophagus. How to counteract that? Harvard Health experts suggest not smoking, eating a healthy diet, limiting coffee, tea and cola drinks, eating smaller meals, avoiding meals close to bedtime and using ...