5-20). The stomach has a parietal surface, which lies against the diaphragm and liver, and a visceral surface in contact with the adjacent abdominal organs caudal to it (Fig. 5-21). The borders of the stomach are the greater curvature of the stomach, which is convex and located vent...
This enables the echocardiographer to image the stomach as a thick-walled fluid-filled organ situated just below the diaphragm.40 The stomach is seen on the monitor display just above and to the right of the left ventricle. Because of the thickness of its wall and fluid contents, there ...
through the mouth by the squeezing of the stomach between the diaphragm and the abdominal muscle. •Vomiting can have many stimulants –dizziness, drugs, unpleasant sights, etc. •Prolonged vomiting can cause imbalance in fluid , electrolyte, and acid/base. Stomach Growling •migrati...
When part of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm into the chest, the medical term is: a. hyaline membrane disease. b. hemothorax. c. hiatal hernia. d. histoplasmosis. Will the digestive system continue enzyme secretion while in a coma? If yes, won't there be...
I was wondering if it has something to do with a hernia or something in the diaphragm since it feels to me that it gets restricted when trying to take a deep breath. I have acid reflux and take meds for it occasionally when I need it. I tried anxiety meds but the side effects are ...