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It s been going on for about three days. Any idea what might be causing this. I have no pain after eating or drinking except for burping sometimes. Remove Ads April O.168888over a year ago Hi! There may be either a food intolerance or allergy, like gluten intolerance with an over-con...
"Harry felt queasy and had a funny feeling in his stomach." 翻译:“哈利感到恶心,胃里很不舒服。” 出处:假设性引用,非具体名著 句子:"With a sudden stomachache, she had to cancel her dinner plans." 翻译:“由于突然胃疼,她不得不取消了晚餐计划。” (注:由于名著中直接出现“stomachache”这一完...
That's when we talk about feeling nauseous or queasy. You know, that icky feeling you get when you've had one too many servings of your mom's infamous meatloaf surprise? Yeah, that's nausea for ya. And let's not forget about those times when our stomachs decide to rebel in a more...
Others who have the stomach flu may experience bowel movements in the form of watery diarrhea. Typically speaking, if you are dealing with a stomach bug then chances are your stomach will feel queasy, uneasy, and just simply sour.Indeed an uncomfortable feeling. ...
in order for it to hurt less I have to be crunched over. It burns so much that it makes me want to take my clothes off just to feel better. I get diahrea and this time I had dizzy spells & at times I lost feeling in my body where I couldnt move then id feel again then...
On days we have big dates or work events, we may be so worried we forget to get our eight cups. Take small sips of water when you are feeling nervous. Not only will this fight any minor dehydration which can lead to increased anxiety, but it will help to clean out any toxins in ...
“upsetstomach”meansthatyourstomachisn’tfeelingright–thatyoufeel“sick toyourstomach,”wemightalsosay.Anotherwordwemightuseinthiscaseis “queasy”(queasy). Ithensayinthestory,“ThiswasdefinitelynotaconversationIwantedtolisten to.”Isay,“Ilookedaroundforanothertable,”meaningIlookedinthecafétofind ano...
Teas such as peppermint,oreganoandthymeare particularly effective in treating a queasy stomach. These herbs are known for their digestive-soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. Make a cup of tea and let it steep for five minutes then slowly sip it to allow it to work in your digestive tract...
For dogs with highly sensitive stomachs, Dave’s Pet Food offers their Restricted Bland Diet recipe offers a simple and easily digestible diet of chicken and rice. This bland recipe helps soothe queasy tummies which often occurs when a dog is stressed, ill, or undergoing changes in its environ...