Approximately half of these endocrine cells are G cells, which produce gastrin. As mentioned earlier, gastrin is a hormone that stimulates parietal cells in the body and fundus to produce acid; it also enhances gastric motility. Significant numbers of serotonin-producing enterochromaffin cells and ...
(Kidd, Hauso, Drozdov, Gustafsson, & Modlin, 2009). These studies also found that isolated, gastrin-producing G cells were also stimulated to produce gastrin as a result of mechanical stress, but this stimulation was considerably higher when cells were still within sections of gastricmucosal ...
Cells that make up the pyloric antrum secrete mucus and a number of hormones, including the majority of the stimulatory hormone, gastrin. The much larger glands of the fundus and body of the stomach, the site of most chemical digestion, produce most of the gastric secretions. These glands ...
COMLEX Level 1 COMLEX Level 2 ENARM NEET Create your free account Advertisement The Lecturio Medical Concept Library Stomach: Anatomy The stomach is a muscular sac in the upper left portion of the abdomen that plays a critical role indigestionDigestionDigestion refers to the process of the mechanic...
Chemical breakdown.Proteins are chemically broken down by the enzyme pepsin. Chief cells, as well as other stomach cells, are protected from self‐digestion because chief cells produce and secrete an inactive form of pepsin, pepsinogen. Pepsinogen is converted to pepsin by the HCl produced by the...
Chief cells The chief cells are primarily found in the basal areas of gastric glands that are involved in the secretion of pepsinogen. The pepsinogen is the inactive form of pepsin. The conversion of pepsinogen into pepsin takes place by HCl. Answer ...
Parietal (oxyntic) cellsIntrinsic factor production Hydrochloric acid (HCl) secretion Large round or pyramidal cells Highly acidophilic (stain pink) Central rounded nuclei Chief (zymogenic) cellsPepsinogen and gastric lipase secretion Found in lower regions of gastric glands ...
These cells require an adequate water balance in order to produce HCl involved in the maintenance of the pH for the process of protein digestion. A comple- mentary experimental approach using immunohistochemistry for somatostatin and serotonin was also followed. Somatostatin is an inhibitor of HCl ...
Besides HCl, gastric parietal cells produce intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein critical to the transportation and absorption of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) distally in the small intestine's terminal ileum. Intrinsic factor production is vital, as vitamin B12 is essential for red blood cell production and ...
B12 deficiency, which may be associated with a vegan diet or with anti-parietal cell antibodies (proteins that are produced by our immune system and mistakenly target specific cells within the stomach lining). Adrenal dysfunction, which can deplete nutrients required for stomach acid production. The...