Stomach cancer: prevalence and significance of neck nodal metastases on sonography. Eur Radiol. 2009; 19 :1968–1972.Bhatia KS, Griffith JF, Ahuja AT. Stomach cancer: prevalence and significance of neck nodal metastases on sonography. Eur Radiol. 2009;19:1968–72....
Stomach canceris the fourth most common cancer, but itsgeographical variationsin the prevalence rates indicate that dietary differences play a role, including a range of food groups to which salt and/or nitrates have been added. Many studies showed that food rich in salt, nitrite, and N-nitroso...
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines gastric cancer as a malignant epithelial tumor of the stomach mucosa with glandular differentiation and classifies it into adenocarcinomas like tubular, papillary, mucinous and diffuse carcinomas, including signet ring cell carcinomas, plus uncommon histologic va...
Methods: This study used the Iranian National Cancer Registry (INCR) data from 2004 to 2014. We calculated the crude and age-standardized incidence rates of GC for each province and also defined the frequency distribution of different types and locations of GC by the provinces. Results: ...
Patterns of Cancer Incidence, Mortality, and Prevalence Across Five Continents: Defining Priorities to Reduce Cancer Disparities in Different Geographic Re... Efforts to reduce global cancer disparities begin with an understanding of geographic patterns in cancer incidence, mortality, and prevalence. Using...
Atrophic gastritis and vitamin C status in two towns with different stomach cancer death-rates. A survey was conducted of 513 men aged 65 74 years living in two British towns with high and low stomach cancer death-rates. The prevalence of severe atrop... M,L,Burr,... - 《British Journa...
Derchi LE, Biggi E, Rollandi GA, Cicio GR, Neu-CE (1983) Sonographic staging of gastric cancer. AJR 140: 273–276 CASGoogle Scholar Devesa SS (1982) Time trends in stomach cancer incidence in the United States by age and region. In: Magnus K (ed) Trends in cancer incidence. Hemisphe...
indicating a common function in these cell types. Several of the identified cell type-enriched non-coding genes have previously been associated with the progression of gastric cancer, but until now, the cell type site of expression had not been described. Sex subset analysis revealed a high globa...
Positive ELISA tests are, however, of no value in diagnosing peptic ulcer disease or gastritis because of the high prevalence of H. pylori in the population at large. There is, however, a role for serum H. pylori antibody assays in following up treated patients....
which occurs more commonly in countries with low prevalence of stomach cancer.48Grossly, gastric cancers can be categorized according to Borrmann's49five types: I, polypoid or fungating; II, ulcerating lesions surrounded by elevated borders; III, ulceration with invasion of the gastric wall; IV...