If your Social Security number has been compromised and used for fraudulent purposes, contact the organization or business where your Social Security was used for identity theft. To prove that you’re a victim of identity theft, you need to back up your claim with evidence, which is whyit’s...
including your address, social security number, credit card and back account information and driver's license number. While no one plans to have their wallet to go missing, there are three critical steps you can take immediately after your...
Take steps to prevent tax refund fraud. The first and most important step to protect your refund is to keep your Social Security number private: Never carry your Social Security card in your wallet or purse. Don’t give out your Social Security number or any other personal information over ...
Quickness counts. Here are five steps to take if your credit card is lost or stolen. Step 1. Call your credit card issuer Call your credit card issuer immediately to report the loss or theft of your missing card. Typically, you would check the back of the card for the telephone number ...
hackers have gained access to the personal information of "billions of individuals," including their Social Security numbers, current and past addresses and the names of siblings and parents — personal data that could allow fraudsters to infiltrate financial accounts or take out loans in their ...
Social Security number Full name and address Transaction information Phishing Phishing emails and phone calls are common tactics that trick people into sharing sensitive personal and financial information. The caller or sender will try to convince victims to either offer up that information directly or ...
If you have not been the victim of identity theft, there are steps you can take to minimize your exposure, reducing your chances of ever experiencing problems: Be careful about sharing your Social Security number. Treat it as privileged and confidential information. Don't give a business yo...
10 Important Steps to Take if You Are a Victim of Identity Theft 1. Call the company at which the theft took place Once you know where the alleged identity theft took place, you should notify them that you believe your identity was stolen. ...
💡Related:What To Do If a Scammer Has Your Social Security Number→ 9. Update your auto-pay information Once you cancel the missing cards, scheduled payments (including your mortgage or auto loan) may bounce. Failed payments won't just mean your Netflix is unavailable — it could dent you...
re actually a criminal trying to hijack your accounts by pretending to be you calling about identity theft. They are likely to ask you for information — such as your address, date of birth, and/or last four digits of your Social Security number — to verify y...