The results are important for the understanding of polarization phenomenon in turbid media, like biological tissues.doi:10.1134/S0030400X11030064S. FirdousM. AtifM. NawazOptics & SpectroscopyS. Firdous, M. Atif, and M. Nawaz, "Stokes vector determination of polarized light propagation in turbid ...
A practical method has been developed for obtaining partial Stokes vector (IQU_) and derivative (IPT_) images of the polarized sky-dome. This method takes advantage of a four-lens stereoscopic camera, a dome mirror, photo CD processing, and commercially available digital image-processing software...
The Stokes formulation for representing polarized light is discussed along with the classical measurement method for determining the Stokes polarization parameters. The limitations of this method are noted, and we consider the rotating quarter-waveplate method, which avoids the limitations of the classical...
Here we report the concept of an optoelectronic polarization eigenvector, which represents the linear relationship between the incident Stokes vector and the photocurrent of a detector. By configuring four of these eigenvectors to create an optimized optoelectronic conversion matrix, we establish a high-...
Other ME-based ICs include the MILne–Eddington inversion of the pOlarized Spectra (MILOS; Orozco Suárez et al., 2007a, Orozco Suárez et al., 2007b), MERLIN (Lites et al., 2007), Very Fast Inversion of the Stokes Vector (VFISV; Borrero et al., 2011), and Stokes Profile INversion...
It is found that under the condition of using polarized light source and uniform illumination, the transmission of scene can be predicted by DOP (Degree of polarization) calculated by stokes vector and used for image defogging, then some image evaluation algorithms are used to compare it with ...
Higher-Order Poincaré Sphere, Stokes Parameters, and the Angular Momentum of Light A higher-order Poincar茅 sphere and Stokes parameter representation of the higher-order states of polarization of vector vortex beams that includes radial and azimuthal polarized cylindrical vector beams is presented. The...
Polarization of light with applications in optical fibers Winstein and his Chicago associates are part of the international QUIET (Q/U Imaging ExperimenT; the Q and U stand for radiation parameters called Stokes parameters) collaboration that has devised such a test. Probe to look out for gravity...
1. The fundamental-level encryption, namely, vectorial encryption based on Stokes parameters, generates a fully-polarized structured light field, as visual ciphertext, in which three secret images are masked into Stokes vector S = (S1, S2, S3)T. In this scheme, decrypting the ciphertext...
In this equation, φ∈R3×1 is a vector composed of sparse coefficients. By substituting Eq. (14) into Eq. (13), the relationship between the compressive measurements and the sparse coefficients is obtained as follows:(15)g1−g2=HR×fR=HR×Ψ×φ=A×φ.Here, A is called the ...