We’re unlocking the space economy by harnessing the power of full and rapid reusability with Nova, the world’s first medium-lift 100% reusable rocket. Nova offers affordable access to, through, and from space with a 20x reduced cost to orbit.Our fully reusable upper-stage vehicle delivers ...
We’re unlocking the space economy by harnessing the power of full and rapid reusability with Nova, the world’s first medium-lift 100% reusable rocket. Nova offers affordable access to, through, and from space with a 20x reduced cost to orbit.Our fully reusable upper-stage vehicle delivers ...
该公司向监管机构表示,Nova预计每年最多可进行10次发射,在不重复使用情况下,最多能将7吨有效载荷送入近地轨道。 Stoke Space的Nova是较为“娇小”“扁圆”的特殊运载火箭,去年其第二级火箭已成功实现了10米左右的VTVL测试,如今在不断加速试验节奏。它的定位是中型运载火箭,瞄准的是小卫星发射市场。 要实现火箭100...
Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket and Stoke Space’s Nova rocket. (Blue Origin / Stoke Space Illustrations) The U.S. Space Force has added Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin space venture and Stoke Space, a startup that’s headquartered nearby in Kent, Wash., to a list of eligible providers for...
图源:Stoke Space、reddit,Nova 第二级火箭采用再生冷却金属再入隔热罩,集成模块化LH2(液氢)/LOX火箭发动机,尺寸与25000磅推力的Aerojet Rocketdyne RL-10相同。 与Rocket Lab在研的“中子号”采用的办法类似,Nova的整流罩固定在第二级上,同样可重复使用。