Stoicismis a school of thought in philosophy that was originally developed in ancient Greece. To fully understand the definition of Stoic as it is used today, it is important to take a look at the term's history, what the Stoic philosophers were trying to accomplish with their work, and ho...
Definition of Stoicism Stoicism, or Stoic philosophy, is a philosophy of personal ethics and a methodology for seeking practical wisdom in life. A key principle of the ancient Stoics was the belief that we don’t react to events; we react to our judgments about them, and the judgments are ...
He wouldn’t just say, "Define envy for me," then, when his discourses interlocutor had ventured on a definition, say, "Wrong: your definiens is not extensionally equivalent to the definiendum." Epictetus Now that is the first thing Socrates was known for – never turning dialogue into ...
One cannot be courageous, or just, or temperate, or prudent (phronesis) in the abstract. Virtue is considered by the Stoics the chief good because it can never, by definition, be used for ill. But it needs to be used for something nonetheless! For what? Well, for handling the indifferen...
For Christians, if you think about it, they have their role model—Jesus—who is, by definition, an impossible role model to emulate: he’s a god. I can aspire to behave as much as possible like him, but I’m never going to achieve that fully because he’s an immortal and I am ...
(Q34); a Stoic “transforms fear into caution, pain into transformation, mistakes into initiation and desire into undertaking”. Using this definition as a model, we can see that throughout the centuries Stoicism has been practised in more recent history by kings, presidents, artists, writers ...
stoicismmeetupartstoicepictetushadot 14/10/14 08:23 Introduction to Stoicism: The Three Disciplines | Stoicism and the Art of Happiness Pagina 1 di 13 http://philosophy-of-cbt/2013/02/20/introduction-to-stoicism-the-three-disciplines/ Stoicism and the Art of Happiness Ancient Stoic Philosophy an...
”[2]Likewise, A.A. Long points out, “Hence for Epictetus, the goal of `following God’ is equivalent to `living in accordance with nature’ (1.26.1), which was the standard Stoic definition of the good life.”[3]Let us look at what Epictetus had to say about this topic in ...
That’s the definition of stress. The friction of conflicting obligations. Hardship. Uncertainty. Pain. Failure. They say hell is other people—well who isn’t surrounded by a lot of those? These were all inevitable parts of life, according to the Stoics. But suffering because of it? Actual...
Using this definition as a model, we can see that throughout the centuries Stoicism has been practised in more recent history by kings, presidents, artists,writers and entrepreneurs. The founding fathers of the United States were inspired by the philosophy. ...