Return on Equity: Set to High (Sorted from highest to lowest) Pro Tip: You can use Tickertape’s Stocks Screener to research and evaluate stocks with over 200+ filters and parameters. High-volatility stock portfolios for investors with a high risk appetite Try smallcase DISCOVER Table of Con...
Roy, Neha ChhabraTiwari, PriyankaInternational Journal of Business Analytics & Intelligence (IJBAI)
On In.Investing you can do both fundamental and technical analysis of stocks, information available is news and analysis, financials, technicals, forums, etc. There are tools available on this website for free likeStock screenerwith number of filters such as ratios, price, volume & volatility, ...
As shown in Table 1, UNG has the highest mean return during the sample period, followed by SLV and USO. Not surprisingly, the statistics also show that among all the ETFs highest standard deviation is noted for SPY, which reflects the unprecedented volatility experienced in US stock market ...
it's unlikely we'll see a rapid boom in LW sales anytime soon. However, this kind of boring "risk-off" stock has been decidedly in favor lately as many investors are looking to insulate themselves from volatility in the equities market generally and the impact of rising rates in particular...
Norway:LGR– smooths out extreme volatility and large swings in FDI. Peru:CAGR– captures the long-term growth trend, mitigating short-term volatility. Cambodia:MAGR– smooths short-term fluctuations while highlighting the overall trend. USA:AGR– best for short timeframes with steady growth. ...
7 Best Tech ETFs to Buy in 2025 These exchange-traded funds are top picks if you want to invest in the technology industry. Coryanne HicksJan. 21, 2025 7 Best International Stocks to Buy Diversification could help investors hedge against a challenging global economy in 2025. ...
Restaurant stocks in the U.S. represent $306b in market capitalization (as of March 2020). McDonald’s and Starbucks are the largest companies, with more than 60% of the overall market cap. Restaurant Stocks Rebound: Volatility in stock markets has peaked in recent weeks due to the COVID...
In the Stock market, the number of trades in Brazil is expected to reach US$134.40m by 2025. Brazil's stock market is experiencing increased volatility as investors react to political developments and shifting commodity prices, influencing market sentiment significantly. ...
and European equities, exchange-traded products (ETPs), global FX and multi-asset volatility products based on the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX Index), the world's barometer for equity market volatility. Cboe's trading venues include the largest options exchange in the U.S. and the largest ...