在这两者中,“stock”是更通用的通用术语。它通常用于描述一个或多个公司的所有权的一部分。相比之下,通常来说,“share”具有更具体的含义:它通常是指特定公司的所有权。因此,如果有人说她"owns shares",那么某些人会倾向于问"shares in what company?" (“哪家公司的股份”)同样,投资者可能会告诉经纪...
因此,如果有人说她"owns shares",那么某些人会倾向于问"shares in what company?" (“哪家公司的股份”)同样,投资者可能会告诉经纪人"to buy him 100 shares of XYZ Inc."。如果他说"buy 100 stocks",他指的是一系列公司-实际上是100家不同的公司。 如果有人说"I own shares" ,其他人可能会问:"Shar...
另一方面,stock是一个成员的股份集合,转换成一个基金,全额付清。 参考:https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/
另一方面,stock是一个成员的股份集合,转换成一个基金,全额付清。 参考:https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/ (了解更多内容,可查看https://www.qidulp.com/)
例如,在印度,根据该国2013年的《公司法》(Companies Act),share是公司资本分成的最小单位,代表公司股东的所有权,只能部分付清。另一方面,stock是一个成员的股份集合,转换成一个基金,全额付清。 参考:https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/...
例如,在印度,根据该国2013年的《公司法》(Companies Act),share是公司资本分成的最小单位,代表公司股东的所有权,只能部分付清。另一方面,stock是一个成员的股份集合,转换成一个基金,全额付清。 参考:https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/...
Stocks vs. shares First let's look at stocks versus shares since these are the two terms that are most commonly confused, especially by newer investors. The main difference between a stock and a share is that stock is a broader concept to convey ownership in a company, while shares are ...
Stockholders and Shareholders Versus Stakeholders The termsshareholdersandstockholdersare used interchangeably to refer to individuals or companies that own shares of stock.Stakeholder, however, is rarely used to describe company owners. Instead, it's used to refer to a nonowner who benefits from the ...
There are five different types of ISA in the UK. We explore the different ISA types to help you decide which is best for you. What’s the best ISA for me? Looking for the best ISA? We'll help you understand how to compare ISA rates and understand cash and stocks and shares ISAs. ...
In either the UK or US, however, there is no practical difference between the terms stocks and shares. Are shares and stocks the same thing? For all intents and purposes, yes. Both shares and stocks refer to equity ownership in corporations, and owners can be referred to as eithersharehold...