Terminal stock watcher and stock position tracker Features Live stock price quotes Track value of your stock positions Support for multiple cost basis lots Support for pre and post market price quotes Install Download the pre-compiled binaries from thereleases pageand copy to a location inPATHor see...
Oh, and and we also have a Crypto Wallet Watcher! Pop in your wallet addresses (BTC, ETC, XRP for now) and see the value of your portfolio live! StockTok is currently an actively developed app. This means that there are a lot of new features in the pipeline which will be released ...
Angular StockWatcher —角股票期权观察器 这个Angular项目是一个查询Yahoo!的应用程序。 Finance API和Google Finance网站可检索选定股票的实时股票报价。 先决条件 您必须安装了node.js及其程序包管理器(npm)。 您可以从获得它们。 安装应用 赶紧跑: gulp build npm install 运行应用程序 该项目已预先配置为运行简单...
watcher XTick Extreme for Mac OS X 5.203 XTick Extreme is a premium-quality futures, spreads,stocks and forex charting platform for professional traders. It's ... to advanced chartists. It's possible to analyze eachtickerin different charts or place sometickers (two or more with the same ...
Support: If you wish to support this project, please star it on Github or PayPal topaypal.me/stocksera. Patreon is also availablehere. Data Source: Yahoo Finance, Finviz, Finnhub, FinancialModellingPrep, IBKR, Reddit, Finra, SEC, CompaniesMarketCap, SenateStockWatcher, HouseStockWatcher, Polygon...
the list includes ass for iOS, Android and blackberry devices.Clic on each link to read more about the appRealTime Stock Quotesfree, Android TheStreetfree, iOS Google Financefree, Android Stock Market Live PremiumAnrod, $3.90Stock TrackeriOS, $2.99Stock QuoteAndroid, freeStock WatcherAndroid, ...
Filesystem watcher multiple directories FileSystemAccessRule: everyone group filesystemwatcher working on one network drive but not on another Fill a ComboBox (vb.net) from an Excel Column Fill Back Color of Bold Dates in Month Calendar Fill datagridview using backgroundworker & progressbar fill data...
Timeline: Phil’s Weekly Trading Webinars provide an excellent opportunity to see what we do at PSW. Come join us next time as a Trend Watcher and subscribe! You’…
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Oh, and and we also have a Crypto Wallet Watcher! Pop in your wallet addresses (BTC, ETC, XRP for now) and see the value of your portfolio live! StockTok is currently an actively developed app. This means that there are a lot of new features in the pipeline which will be released ...