A flow variable can be thought of as being a video camera, which shows the viewer what is happening – how things change over time. A stock variable can be thought of as a photograph rather than a video. It shows exactly what the measure is at a given point in time and does not sho...
A continuous-time dynamic interpolation method for deriving high-frequency data is illustrated by deriving monthly data from quarterly data on two US macroeconomic variables: industrial production as a flow variable and the money supply as a stock variable. Analysis of the actual and interpolated ...
The main difference between nominal and real GDP is that it accounts for the changes in price due to the impact of inflation.Answer and Explanation: A flow variable is characterized by having a time dimension and a dynamic nature. Nominal GDP is a flow variable, as it is measured over a ...
Department of Economics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,ChinaThis study's objective is to evaluate the issue of economic indicator about Chinese stock index.A new model of correlation coefficient with lagged exchange variable is proposed.An empirical study is made using quarter data from...
(eds.), Computable, constructive and behavioural economic dynamics: Essays in honour of Kumaraswamy, (pp. 442-461). London: Routledge.Bruun,C. :"The economics of Keynes in an almost stock-flow consistent agent-based setting" in "Computable, constructive and behavioural economic ...
This study aims to examine and analyze variable characteristics of the company such as leverage, free cash flow, and interest rates effect to stock return with intervening variable by financial performance. This research used a quantitative approach and a path analyzes. The object of this research ...
and the control variables as follows:INVi,t+1=a+bLIQi,t+cUNDER_PROPi,t+dLIQi,t×UNDER_PROPi,t+e′Controlsi,t+YRt+1+INDi+εi,t+1,whereUNDER_PROPi,tis a proxy for firmi’sex antepropensity to under-invest in yeart. This propensity is computed as a ranked variable based on the...
US Government Spending. Screenshot courtesy of Trading Economics.As you’ll read below, some brilliant minds are giving us their view of what will lift the Dow Jones, S&P, NASDAQ and Russell 2000. However, too many of these investment firm analysts revise their forecasts to cover up what ...
In equation (2), ln ht represents the log of variance of the underlying variable; γ0 is constant level of volatility; γ1 measure the reaction of volatility to change in news; γ2 is function of volatility, it explains the consistence; φ represents the asymmetric effect of volatility. ...
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. section "theoretical basis for the hypotheses" reviews the relevant literature and develops our hypotheses on stock liquidity and firm innovation based on them. Section "Measurement of variables and model specification" presents the variable measuremen...