This site took a lengthy hiatus after Covid struck leaving our tables of ‘Upcoming’ and ‘Recent’ Spinoffs quite stale. I am sure this has been quite the disappointment to our readers and we do hate to disappoint! As we slowly turn the engines back on here, we will try to clean up...
Superinvestors and Stock Spin-offs Joel Greenblatt "You can make a pile of money investing in spin-offs. The facts are overwhelming. Stocks of spin-off companies significantly and consistently outperform the market averages." - Joel Greenblatt, Founde
BySpin Doctor|May 13, 2019 0 Comment Brunswick (BC) announced earlier this week that private equity firm KPS Capital Partners will acquire its fitness business for $490m in cash, ending the unit’s planned spinoff. Brunswick paid over $300m for the business back in 1997, but sales have ...
corporate spin-off firmsThis study explores the impact of the national institutional environment on the listing of firms on stock exchanges in Japan, the US, and the UK. In particular, the study compares the incidence of: (1) independent firm initial public offerings (IPOs); and (2) the ...
Here is the definition of a spinoff from the perspective of a passive investor.How can I get a free list of spinoffs?Go here for our explanation of how to compile your own spinoff list.How are spinoff investment gains taxed?Consult your tax professional, but here is some background on...
Relevant firm-specific characteristics apparently include the firm's industry, its risk, and, for spin-offs and carve-outs, the exchange listing of the parent firm.1 Relevant offer characteristics include the size of the offer, the offer price, and the prominence of the underwriter. Beyond firm...
文档标题《Sell offs, spin offs, carve outs and tracking stock》,总页数为53页,主要介绍了与Sell offs, spin offs, carve outs and tracking stock相关的资料,希望对大家有用,欢迎大家浏览! 文档格式: .ppt 文档大小: 238.5K 文档页数: 53页
摘要: We analyze a firm's choice between spin-offs, equity carve-outs, and tracking stock issues and the role of institutional investors in corporate restructuring. W关键词: restructuring corporate spin-offs equity carve-outs tracking stock issues institutional trading information production ...
Spinoffs outperforming the broader market Stocks that have been spun off from larger corporate parents stand out as some of this year's most consistent winners. So far in 2024, some 15 companies have completed spinoffs, with the General Electric aviation and energy split being among the most ...
But spinoffs have advantages IPOs lack: for one, many have already proven they're profitable businesses. And their parents will also want to help ensure they get off on the right foot, because they won't want to be known for a spinoff that fell flat. ...