同学好,可以的哦,share与stock都可表示股份的意思,因此二者是可以替换的,stock price和share price也是同样的哦祝学习愉快~ 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程:《BEC商务英语初中高级【四项全能实战签约班】》的学员和老师,如果想了解更多,可以报名参加课程学习。所有知识讨论内容,版权归作者及沪江网校所有。 BEC...
share price(股价),shareholder(股东),NASDAQ(纳斯达克交易所),London Stock Exchange (伦敦证券交易所),以及dividend(股息)这些词汇也频繁出现在各大财经新闻报道中。 A股,B股,H股 我国上市公司的股票有多种区分,主要依据股票的上市地点和所面对的投资者而定。获审批后,一个公司可以同时发行A、B、H股。 A股:人民币...
The stock price of Apple has been rising. 苹果公司的股价一直在上涨。 He bought a lot of stocks last year. 他去年买了许多股票。 The stock market is very volatile today. 今天的股市非常波动。 PART.2 share (股份) 💰个体概念:更强调股票的单个单...
share 和stock 在金融领域区别已经很模糊了,可以认为他们俩的意思是一样的,所以share price = stock price
The stock price of Apple has been rising. 苹果公司的股价一直在上涨。 He bought a lot of stocks last year. 他去年买了许多股票。 The stock market is very volatile today. 今天的股市非常波动。 PART.2 share (股份) 💰个体概念:更强调股票的单个单位,即每一股。
Stock股票债务证券 是总称 share price 单指股价 so..谁大谁小...
Therefore, please note that shareholders and investors who sell and purchase on the assumption of the possible occurrence of dilution in per-share economic value may be impactedbystock pricefluctuations. tachi-s.co.jp tachi-s.co.jp 有关本新股预约权的行使及取得附加差别条件时,对收购者的法律权利,...
COLOMBO, April 25 (Xinhua) -- Stock trading in Sri Lanka was halted again on Monday after the index of liquid stocks plummeted, with the All Share Price Index falling 9.6 percent and the S&P SL20 plunging 12.64 percent. Trading was initially halted till 11:00 a.m. due to sharp falls ...
COLOMBO, April 25 (Xinhua) -- Stock trading in Sri Lanka was halted again on Monday after the index of liquid stocks plummeted, with the All Share Price Index falling 9.6 percent and the S&P SL20 plunging 12.64 percent. Trading was initially halted till 11:00 a.m. due to sharp falls ...
International Gold Prices Dip Slightly Investors assessed the possibility that the Federal Reserve willkeepinterest rates high for an extended period, reducing the attractiveness of gold. International gold prices fell on Thursday. The spot price of gold for June delivery on the New York Mercantile Ex...