Stock Price PredictionThis project focuses on predicting Google stock price on real time data. I used past 10 years worth of historical Google (GOOGL) stock data for training and built an effective model for predicting stock prices and displayed the predictions on webpage using Flask, Kafka and...
OHLC Average Prediction of Apple Inc. Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Network - NourozR/Stock-Price-Prediction-LSTM
【股价预测/量化交易相关论文列表】’stock-top-papers - Top paper collection for stock price prediction, quantitative trading. Covering top conferences and journals like KDD, TKDE, CIKM, AAAI, IJCAI, ACL, EMNLP.' GitHub: #开源# #机器学习# #人工智能# ¢...
Diffusion Variational Autoencoder for Tackling Stochasticity in Multi-Step Regression Stock Price Prediction 这篇文章[1]关注的是股票市场中的 Multi-Step Prediction 任务,本质上是多元时间序列对一元时间序列的映射问题。根据文章的 Introduction,总结出来了如下看点: 股票价格具有跳跃性和随机性,因而我们的数据集充满...
However, obtaining an accurate prediction of the stock trend and/or price has been a challenging and difficult task due to the nonlinear and volatile nature of stock exchange. Traditionally, some people who believe the efficient market hypothesis theory [1] argue that the future stock price is ...
Whether you're building analgorithmic trading prediction apporcharting historical stock market datafor various stock ticker symbols, a finance or stock market API(Application Programming Interface)will come in handy. In this API roundup, you'll find the top stock market APIs developers most commonly...
DataMiningPrediction DataMiningQuery DataMiningStructure DataMiningViewer DataPager DataRepeater DataServer DatasetReference DataSource DataSourceReference DataSourceTarget DataSourceView DataTable DateTimeAxis DateTimePicker DebugCheckedTests DebugHistorySeekToFrame DebugInteractiveWindow DebugSelection DebugTemplate Debu...
实验对比结果 得到结论是本文提出的 Adv-LSTM 在上述两个数据集及两个评价指标上表现最好。该文章 Github 源码在此[8]。使用对抗学习的方式来训练模型确实对模型表现有较大提升,在文章发表 5 年后的今天来看,可改进的地方也有很多。 参考
prediction = m.predict(future) m.plot(prediction)plt.title("Prediction of the Google Stock Price using the Prophet") plt.xlabel("Date") plt.ylabel("Close Stock Price") The model used all the data for the training (black dots) andpredictedthe future stock price fr...
A combination of the two regressions (long-term regression and momentum) will therfore give a better prediction. Fast Fourier Transform: FFT is implemented here as an exploratory technique, to see if the stock prices display some harmonics, and which can be used to "lock in" on the price ...